Honeymoon part2

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3rd person POV

Lara grabbed the gray flower vase off the kitchen counter and rushed back to the living room where Adam was tussling with a man dressed in black. She swung the vase directly on the man's head and it broke into pieces, some flew on to Adam. After a few gasps, Adam pushed the man off him and stood up "Thank you, I guess you are not as dumb as I thought." Adam said nonchalantly. Lara's jaw dropped at that statement. "Wow, wow, wow, I save your life and that's how you thank me?" She said infuriated. "What did you expect?" Adam said stepping closer to her almost like a lion hunting its prey but Lara was too stubborn to just give in so she stepped forward challenging Adam " A gratuitous thank you." she said. Adam stepped forward in dominance "You will only get that from me on my death bed if you live to see that day l'amour." Adam said to Lara in a very low voice that sent chills down Lara's spine causing her to back away from him while shifting her gaze to the floor from Adam's eyes.

Adam turned on his heel and went to the man that lied on the floor and began to search him for any possessions that could give a clue as to who this man was. Adam was so caught up that he almost did not realize that the other man had made his way downstairs and he now had a gun to Lara's head. "Move any closer and I will end her!" the man said. They all were silent, Lara looked like a deer in headlights. Unexpectedly Adam pulled out his gun and with one correctly aimed shot killed the man that stood behind Lara who had been bleeding from left the eye and scratches across his face from the top left till the bottom right. Lara screamed when she heard the shot. She was so shaken that she did not care at the fact that she had a strong disliking towards Adam, it seemed to her as if his arms were the only safe place from all the death and turmoil around them. So Lara without a thought ran straight into the arms of the man who now had murdered someone in front of her. "So you run straight into the lion's den, brebis?" Adam questioned. " If it will keep me warm and safe from the storm outside." Lara said with tears streaming down her cheeks. "Why aren't you scared of me?" Adam asked confused at the actions Lara had just displayed. "I don't know." Lara answered in a whisper. "Until you can answer that question don't ever touch me like this again." Adam said. Lara snapped back into reality as she slipped her self off of Adams well-built torso. 

she looked around looking at the sean of horror, but little did she know that it was not the end. A sudden bang was heard along with the shattering of glass and a woman scream in pain. It was Lara's scream, she had been shot in the arm. Adam was quick to act by grabbing Lara as quickly as he can and ran to the basement where there was a trap door. "Adam, mI going to die?" Lara asked frightfully she had lost all her confidence along with her haterade for Adam the moment she saw Adam pull out his gun, she knew that in order to stay alive she had to be on his good side or else he would either leave her for whoever is trying to kill them or kill her himself. "It won't hurt if you don't mind it as much." Adam said as he carried Lara down the ladder and the tunnel to an underground helipad. He secured Lara in her seat being careful with her wound which was bleeding heavily. When they landed Adams privet team came rushing to the helicopter. Lara was surprised that Adam could pilot a helicopter. "What a honeymoon." She thought.

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