Proposal problems

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The feeling of rest is what was evident to me in the first few seconds, then came a feeling of hurt and anxiety as my head started to hurt. There was a slight feeling of dizziness. Well, no time for that I have to open my eyes and get my sister and me out of here really fast so there is no time to wait I need to open my eyes and gain consciousness. After 5 failed attempts I managed to open my eyes and it was really bright so I blinked until my eyes adjusted to the light.

I was expecting to be in a cell or maybe a dungeon or even a cage but instead, I was in a beautiful, modern bedroom. It had a black and silver theme to it. The walls were black from the floor till the middle and from the middle till the ceiling there was a light silver. The furniture was silver and white, a huge flat screen TV was opposite the bed I was in that was soft and had a black duvet and blanket

There is only one question on my mind and that is why am I being kept in such a luxurious room? What is going on? I stood up from the bed and realized I was not wearing when I left the house. Instead of my blue jeans and a black t-shirt, I was wearing a lovely, soft, silk pajamas.

Wait, hold up. Who changed my outfit? But that does not matter right now all that matters is that I get out of here and find my sister.

I ran to the door turned the knob but it was locked I let out a scream then slid down the wall beside the door

A couple of minutes passed then I heard a key in the keyhole after that the door opens and in walked the man himself. He was holding a brown envelope and he closed and locked the door behind him. He walked in and sat down on one of the swinging chairs. "Come sit we have something to discus," he said in a very dominant and deep voice. I got up and hesitantly walked to the other swinging chair. "Where is my sister?" I asked with as much bravery I could conger up which was not much. He smirked and then said, "I will tell you soon but first sign this." He passed me the envelope

I opened it and read the headline it read: Application form for marriage. I did not need to read more I just flung the papers at him and said "OH HEEELLL NAAWW". He chuckled and took the papers stood up and walked to the bed and put them down along with a pen and said When you want your sister back you will sign that" I grabbed a vase that was on the table near me and threw it near him he turned and looked at me, smirked then said "See you later Mrs Alexandre" what? Before he could reach the door I said "Why?" he did not answer me and I was left alone with my thoughts and broken glass

After a long time of thinking, I grabbed a piece of glass and waited for his return which was not long after. The moment he walked in and locked the door and was close to me I attacked him well tried to. He grabbed my wrists before I could even react and pulled me to the bed and pinned me down. "Don't try that ever with me" his accent more apparent now but that was not my main focus

He turned his attention to the form and said "I guess I should burn your sister with a cigar for as many hours you don't sign it" I was beyond furious "NEVER" I screamed in his face. But he let out another chuckle and got up walked to the door opened it and said something to someone and they dragged in Layla she looked fine just sleep deprived. "Layla" I ran to her but two strong men came in and held me back. As I was struggling against them He walked to a leather armchair and sat down crossing his legs then lit a cigar they already had Layla kneeling beside him and as he smoked his cigar he then he burnt Layla on her arm she let out an ear piercing scream and I struggled against them and without wasting another second I screamed "WAIT WAIT I'LL DO IT STOP" he stopped and he got up and got the form then said "sign it" I signed it. They let my sister run to me crying and I hugged on to her. "Oh and by the way, my name is Adam king Alexandre"

Oh, snap did I just agree to marry the leader of the biggest mafia on the planet.

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