He is husband material

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This is the most dumbest, reckless, irresponsible and dangerous thing I have ever done. What has my life become. Well I might as well count my blessings now because


WELL, Mr.Adam King Alexander is the leader of Alexander Inc. he is roomed to be in the french mafia. He is also a player well according to my friends who are obsessed with him. Well most people date him because he is the youngest billionaire at age 20.

This reminds me that I am anormal 19 year old girl who goes to university part time and works at a bookshop and a café. Why would he pick me and even if I went to the police who would believe me. This Makes me feel weak

My attention is drawn back to reality by my sister tugging on my silk pajama. I look down at her. She is so young she cant have this around her I don't want her to end up like our parents. "Lara. We are going home nowright?" she asked her eyes sparkling with excitement at the idea. As I was about to answer her Adam said "You are already home this is your new home now."His words were said with no emotion and were cold to the bone. "Why" Layla Asked I was about to warn her about her curiosity but he beet me to it "Young Child has no one thought you manners. The answer to your question is that your sister is marrying me." Great now what will I say to Layla now she is smarter than her peers and is a fast learner so she will figure it out before I can lie to her. "Marry? Wait marriage is for two people who love each other . So LaLa do you love him" My word why is this kid so smart. I looked at him but his face showed no emotion and I did not want my sister to lose the her imagination or innocence and let her grow in a peaceful world even if I have to be unhappy

I put on a fake smile and looked at her and lied "Yes" I hate myself so much how could I do this to my sister but then again her happiness is more important. She looks at me with disbelief "No you don't . do you love my sister?" she turned to Adam he was staring at us and then his response catches me off guard "Yes I love her" he said but why is he going with the lie? Layla pulled me out of my thoughts by standing and walking away from me towards Adam "You don't, if you love you will kiss her" she said the men in the room left leaving Layla, Adam and me in the room alone. This is the most awkward I have ever been since I said absent instead of present in my class in 8th grade and the whole class laughs at me for the entire day. "Layla what did I tell you about being rude?" I said trying to save myself from embarrassment. "sorry" she said pouting her lips . " My name is Adam Layla" he said with kindness to her he then picked her up and sat her on his lap as he sat on the bed "Layla are you hungry?" he asked her she nodes quickly giggling, knowing Layla she doesn't hold grudges. "Okay then, ROSE" called then the door opened and in came a middle aged women with a kind smile on her face, she was wearing a black knee length dress and her brown hair in braids going back that ended mid waist . she walked elegantly and stood next to me turned to smile at me and at this time I was standing she was slightly shorter than me. "Rose please take Layla to eat downstairs we will join you in a bit" Adam instructed. "Yes sir" she answer taking Layla gently by her arm and leading her out the room. I turned my head to him " Why are you being nice to us" I asked wait for him to break character. "She reminds me of my deceased younger sister and I'd be damned to maker suffer" he said "I am sorry for your loss" I said with sympathy. "Lets go downstairs Layla may cause a fuss" 

When we finally arrived in the kitchen Layla was siting on a bar stool eating a fruit salad with delight. "You enjoying that munchkin" I said teasingly she groaned at the nickname then answered back with a sassy "Excuse you I am a princess" we laughed at her dramatics . I wish I was still that innocent and naive.

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