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This chapter will be at 8:00 when she started trading with villagers.

Also if yall wanted an idea of what Gracie looks like just search whatever celerity you want like Billie Eilish when she had white hair or something. You can also picture yourself as Gracie.

This is the ratings and opinions on every one on the Dream smp or that has been apart of her life. The other people that were not mentioned, she had never met.

N1, Wilbur Soot: Closest thing to a father figure she's ever had. The first parental guardian that hasn't been a dick to her. 100/10

N2, Fundy: Best friends and in some way sibling. They are very very close. She was is technically still her dads daughter but Wilbur considered her a daughter and Fundy considered her a sister. 100/10

N3, Tubbo: They have a very wholesome relationship. When she's not with Fundy, she's with Tubbo and when nobody's around Tommy. 8/10

N4, Tommy (This will be important later on in the story): They have some kind of emotional bond, they don't know what it is or why they have one but it's some kind of connection between them. The second they met each other (will be in the next chapter) they knew it was there. This bond led them too get very very close, too close. Dream had joked about using Tommy as leverage against Gracie. Even though it was a joke she was still terrified that that would ever happen so they pretended that they got into an argument about Tommy being too attached to the disks. They told everyone that they haven't forgave each other but don't mind working together for stuff. Everyone now thinks that they don't really like each other each other, including Dream. The only people that know that Tommy and Gracie don't hate each other is Tubbo and Wilbur. No body told Wilbur but he just knew. 10/10

N5, Jack Manifold: They don't talk much. She doesn't really know him that well. 6/10

N6, Eret: She doesn't like him that much and it's very awkward when their together. She thinks he's suspicious and weird. She's only told Fundy that she thinks he's weird and Fundy agreed but they decided not to tell Wilbur since he was a part of l'Manburg. 3/10

N7, Dream: Hates him. He makes her uncomfortable with his cringe nicknames. He's a dick to her. It's his fault that Gracie and Tommy can't hang out in public. 1/10

N8, Sapnap: She dislikes him just as much as Dream. He comes up with the nicknames as well. He watched her training once without her knowing and now he keeps annoying her about how she should fight against Dream. 1/10

N9, George: Likes him a bit more then Dream and Sapnap. If he's around and Gracie is clearly annoyed or something by Dream and Sapanp he will tell them to stop. 3/10

And for reference, people can give you tasks and you can make money off of them.

Ok ok now start the story :P

I walk into the village and see a bunch of villagers setting up their trading booths. Not many people were out. It made sense because it just turned 8:00 and they had all day to set up. I walk up to the first booth that has "Information here" labelled on it.

"Well hello young lady! How are you this fine morning?" His emerald eyes scared me.

"Hi... I'm pretty good, you?"

"I'm doing fantastic, thank you. Is there anything specific that you are looking for today? My job is to show you the best booths for you."

"Well, I was thinking about some fighting gear, food and maybe even a horse?"

"Ahhhh, okay so a fighting gear and armor booth is right over there." He points over to some other booth. "A food booth is o-n the other side of the village, here." He hands me a map. He drew a red dot on all of the places that I had to go to get the things that I needed. "The stable opens at 8:30AM so by the time you get everything you need from the other booths it will probably be open. I would highly suggest the horse April. She's kind ugly ad that's why no body has bought her but she's very fast and easily tameable."

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