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Mentally Prepare yourselves.
The room that Gracie walks into is the room where the final disc war was👾

But we're best friends

Tw- Manipulation

Continue right from the last chapter.

"Pack everything that is mandatory. I'll explain later okay? And dress nice." Before I could respond, he hurried out of the room.

Something really weird was happening.

I get up and go to my closet, stretching my arms back behind my head and yawning.

I pick out some nice baggy jeans, a black long sleeve and a white-ish v-neck on top and quickly put it on.

I walk out of my room and turn left, just like Dream said. Sure enough, a poorly lit up, short flight of stairs was there.

I had never been this way out, it was weird. Dream would always open the window and we would climb down a sturdy ladder to get down and start training.

Walking down the paved stairs, I could hear familiar muffled voices. It sounded like Sapnaps and Dreams.

If there was one person that I didn't want to see right now, it would be Sapnap. Everything about him bothers me.

I still didn't know what I was going down this new path of the 'house' that I live in, or why I had to dress nice, or why I didn't have stuff this morning, until the once muffled voices became a bit clearer.

"Dude, she's gonna be pissed."

"A deal is a deal. If Wilbur wants her back for something that valuable, then so be it."

I was going back?

That's impossible.

Dream said that he would never send me back.

What deal?

I started walking down the stairs at a quicker pace, making it to the bottom, where Dream, Sapnap and George stood.

I haven't seen anyone but Dream in over 4 months. It was weird seeing such familiar faces. They looked so different but the same at the same time.

George smiled at me while walking closer to them. I just looked at them with a confused expression.

I was quickly glancing around the building and it was a really big room with nothing in it. the only thing there was a nether portal and a glow stone lamps on the ground, mixed with black stone and BEDROCK.


I had never seen bedrock before. That meant that we were far underground. Really far underground.

Did he really want to keep me here that badly?

I couldn't tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing. It could've meant that he cared a lot to be my friend, but too much? I'm sure he had some sort reasoning for keeping me here, in a nice and friend-ish way, but is this what friends really do? Why did he keep me here anyways? Maybe he was just trying to keep me safe in some strange way. Maybe this is just his way of showing me that he cares. Maybe he was just making sure that I wouldn't get hurt again from people that just leave. Like Wilbur and the others.

"Where are we?" I looked Dream where I assumed to be his eyes, covered by the mask then back down at the bedrock in awe.


"Yeah" I laughed sarcastically. "I can see that. Why."

"C'mon."He responded coldly, walking towards a big elevator type machine.

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