n17 (A quick recap on everything)

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(Quick recap of everything so far for the ones like me who has the memory of a rock and needs it🤠)

Chapter one--

Gracie, Tommy and Tubbo went to the smp, ignoring Wilburs specific instructions to not go there because they were in a argument over l'Manburg being separate from the Smp.

Dream was being hard and mean on Tommy, Tubbo and Gracie that night that they got caught to make sure that they knew he wasn't joking about the war and to establish fear upon them.

That left Gracie with a scar on her arm that will stay with her forever.

Chapter 2--

We learn that Gracie is the responsible one in the group and wouldn't hesitate to take the blame to get Tommy and Tubbo out of trouble by taking the blame for stuff they do. 

Wilbur ends up being like an over protective brother when it comes to them.

Chapter 3--(Backstory n1)

Gracie runs away from her abusive home. After her mom lost her last life, her dad hasn't been the same, turning to alcohol, drugs and abuse to cope. Not long after she died, (around 4 months) Gracie's brother had decided to run away, leaving nothing for the girl behind. Yall don't get to know their relationship yet :] 

After a few years later, her father just kept getting worse and worse. He wasn't accepting any of Gracie's help that she had constantly been offering, he was hanging out with the wrong people, was hardly every sober, mentally and physically abusive and overall, just a bad person. One night, Gracie had had enough and left too, just like her brother did so long ago.

(Not the backstory)

Gracie and Fundy are very close. The sort of relationship siblings who actually love each other do. They rarely get into arguments and if they do, its over something dump that they end up laughing about later on.

Chapter 4--

Not much happens in this one. They all start preparing for the war. Wilbur thinks that he has everything under control and gives them schedules for every day and yall got a training/fighting scene between Gracie and Tommy.

Chapter 5-- ( backstory n2)

Gracie meets Schlatt at a village where she was getting some resources because she left everything at her dads. 

Schlatt has a lot of money. 

Due to kind gestures of paying for the things she couldn't afford at the village she now owes  Schlatt a favor. (He hasn't used the favor... yet😲)

Her dad also did something really really bad to her brother.

While staying with Schlatt, she realizes that she wants to  start looking for her brother. To be able to do that, she needs to know how to fight and stuff. Shlatt offers to train her and she quickly accepts the offer. This leads to her staying for an extra 3 years and forgetting about her brother, completeley under Schlatts control, who is manipulating her to become like a working puppet. She is very strong, very good at fighting and believes that with out Schlatt, she would be nothing. 

Quackity, an old friend of Schlatts also moved in. Her and Quackity got along really well until he started getting jealous that Schlatt 'liked her more them him' They really hate each other now.

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