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Just wanna make it clear before this chapter starts that i'm not shipping Gracie and Fundy together. Their relationship is just just friends. They are very close but but just in a sibling way.

I run though the wet field late at night as more rain bounces off of our coats.

I was right behind Fundy who was giggling and trying his best to stay in front of me.


"I'm gonna win bitc- AH!" he tried to stop himself from falling face first into the ground from a pot hole in the field. His attempt to stop falling ended up with me bumping into him, sending him falling to the ground faster then before, with me landing right beside him.

Now we're both laying on the ground laughing with the water from the sky landing on our faces, not worried about whats to come tomorrow at the war.

We lie like this for a while, taking it all in. The damp muddy ground, our wet hair, the sun hidden by the dark clouds. Everything seemed to perfect. Everything must come to and end eventually tho.

"Hey, Gracie?"


"What do you think will happen tomorrow.."

"Hmm, I honestly don't know. We will all probably do a small fight, then we realize the disadvantage that we have over them and then we end up seedling it with worst. Worst casenario is someone loses a life but I doubt it will come to that."

He doesn't respond.

"Do you think that... dad is gonna be okay?" He finally mutters quietly. I look over to him and he's shivering.

Us having fun outside in the rain in the field where would always hang out in quickly turned into an emotional pity event.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, he can't fight, he is very unhappy. Hell. He won't even talk to me. And in his sun." I listen to his voice start to crack.

I sit up and take off my jacket and put it around the shivering boys back, leaving me with just a bright purple, almost pinkish long sleeve shirt.

We both sit up, me on my knees and him with his legs straight. I wrap my jacket around him and wrap my arms around him, like a hug.

"I think that it will all be okay. Whatever happens, happens and there will be nothing we can do about it. It will on all work out in the end."

He hugs me back as the rain starts falling harder.

He takes off his mask and then looks at me with his red puffy eyes. "How can you be so sure?"

"Because, everything my happens for a reason. Remember that."

"And my dad?"

"You have to talk to him." I look back at him. "And before it's too late. If you want, I can come with you."

"I would like that. Tonight?"


—20 ish minutes later—

We've been sitting in a hug for at least 20 minuets now, just admiring the rain when suddenly "Fundyyyyyy! Gracie?" The familiar voice called out walking through the field.

We look at each other confused and stand up to go see him.

Tommy doesn't usually come to the field so we were a bit confused.

"GRA- oh there you guy are. Will said that you guys need to come back because we're about to eat."

"Okay." We both respond.

— —

I walk into the van where we usually do all of our group stuff right behind Tommy.

"Alright, before we get in, Wilbur is a little stressed out at the moment so just be nice to him."

Fundy rolled his eyes and I nodded.

He presses the button that opens the door and we all walk in.

The first thing we see when we open the second door is Wilbur walking back and forth across the room and seems to be deep in thought, while all of the other members sit around the table awkwardly, asking to themselves to see if they should ask what he was doing.

All of our plates were at our usual spots. Cooked carrots and potatoes.

All 3 of us slowly walk in and sit at our spots. 

I look at Tommy and he shakes his head, telling me not to ask.

The rain cleared up and the sun was now setting. We all sat on the logs around the fire behind the van going me, Fundy to my left, Tommy to my right, then Tubbo, Wilbur and Eret. I could tell that everyone wanted to break down and cry but we needed to stay sting for Wilbur. He was the one that looked like he really needed to break down and cry. He had to take care of an entire nation, be there for everyone mentally and physically and try to not worry anybody about all the bad things that could go wrong tomorrow. If he could stay strong, we could too. 

We all quietly stared at the burning fire before us. Fundy had his arm wrapped around my back and I was leaning against his shoulder. Tommy was sharing a blanket with Tubbo. Eret looked like he was deep in though, like he was about to do something that he would hate himself for. Wilbur looked lost. I don't even know how to explain it, it's like a controlled mess. It's kinda sad to be honest. I've never seen him this way before.

Finally, Wilbur speaks. "Alright. Men, and Gracie. We need to figure out what exactly were gonna do. I have definitely advanced you all in the stuff that you are good at so use that to your advantage. Tomorrow, I want to see no one wearing armor unless I say you can put it on. We will deal with whatever will happen tomorrow with only words. Minimize violence as much as you possibly can. Do you all understand?"

"Yes." Some of us said. The others nodded.

"Fundy, I want you to have you inventory full of healing resources that you could use. Tubbo, you're not bad at anything but you are not advanced in anything ether. You are good at everything and that's what you'll do. You will have the job of filling in and helping if you see that someone is having trouble with something. Eret, you have all the food and you are pretty good at archery. Make sure to bring extra arrows. Gracie, Tommy. You guys make the calls if I can't. You guys will also be leading for the fighting parts. Except for, Tommy. My one rule is that you can't fight Dream. You are still a kid and I can't afford you to die. Remember, this goes for everybody. Think with your head, not your hearts. Does everybody understand?"


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