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Chapter 20--Vasovagal Syncope

TW: Fainting + Heavy breathing

Vasovagal Syncope:

elating to or denoting a temporary fall in blood pressure, with pallor, fainting, sweating, and nausea, caused by overactivity of the vagus nerve, especially as a result of stress.

Fainting resulting from certain stressful triggers which lead to sudden drop in blood pressure and heart rate.


*Dreams mask only covers half of his face*




Sure enough, I slowly take my shield down away from my face and there he is.

My heart skips a beat just by looking at him.

I could actually die right now.


I look behind Dream to see Eret stepping on a pressure plate that open a little tunnel.

"Down with the revolution boys. It was never meant to be."

"Down with the revolution boys. It was never meant to be." They step into the wall and it closes behind him.

How could he? Fundy and I were suspicious about him but we definitely weren't expecting something like this

He grins at Erets words and swings at me again while I was focusing more on Eret then him. With last minute reflexes, I swing my sword loosely into his and mine falls on the ground too far away from me to reach.

What are my options?
1: Run.
2 :Fight with shield.
3: Fight weapon less.
4: Try to grab it? —> pow chance at succeeding.
5: Option 1.

Possibilities were running out and after what felt like an hour of waiting for a idea to come to my head, Dream seems to get bored at launch his sword at me for a 3rd time.

I quickly step backwards, dodging the swing and slip into the ground.

I back up as much as fast as I can, still on the ground with Dream slowly walking closer to me with his hands hanging to the side and his sword being dragged on the floor.

The more my breathing was picking up, the closer Dream got to me.

Suddenly, a wall of cold brick being sprung against my back.

No where left to go.

What to do....What to do....What to do....What to do....What to do....


"OW, YOU BITCH!" Sapnap yelled at Tommy who seemed to have kicked Sapnap in the shin after being pushed up against the wall like I was.

This made Dream turn around to see.

As quickly as I could, I open my inventory while he has his back turned.

I grab my iron chest plate and keep it in my hands. It would probably work just as good, if not better then a shield and it had sharp corners. It would be a bit always to hold onto but if it's all I have then it'll have to do.

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