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Before this chapter starts, why don't yall go get some water and food?

"MMMMMMM YEAH. AND THEN WE SHIT IN THEIR EYES!" They celebrated for something that I wasn't paying much attention to. 

"Umm, Wilbur. I hate to bring bad news to your celebration... party... thing? but they have completeley surrounded us."

He looks around and notices that i'm right.


I shake my head at everyone's excitement. Why was I the only one nervous? Why was I the only one feeling scared? 

We walk into the second room with the door leading to the exit. 

"Alright. You guys stay in there, come out when I tell you to." Wilbur turns around towards the door.

He takes a deep breathe in and opens the door. Now, there was a whole bunch of poeple. Some of them were familiar and some weren't. It looked like most of them were form the Bad Lands.

"Good evening gentlemen. How are you?" He asked into the black walkie talkie.

"Good. Are you ready to negotiate?" Dream responded harshly.

"Pick a time and place. We will agree to wherever and whenever."

As Wilbur was going continue, a flaming arrow comes flying at him, landing a few inches away from his feet.

He turn around o all of us bunched up in the van.

"Armor up. Now."

We all nod and start putting on our diamond and iron mixed armor, exept for Eret who was putting on full enchanted netherite armor. Nobody had seen him with armor on before so no one knew how he was so right.

When did he get the time to get all that stuff? Oh well, it's not the time to worry about that right now. Bow? Check. Shield? Check. Sword? Check.

--Around 10 minutes later--

Dream and everyone else hasn't left off of the wall and they weren't going to any time soon. We decided to make the most out of the little time we had. 

We were all standing around the fire by the van, the same spot where we would always have our serious talks.

"I just wanted you guys to know, I will not be fighting in this war. I truly believe that it will cause more harm then actual good. Gracie, you will be taking over for the time being. Tommy, you are second in command. If you don't agree with something, don't be afraid to say it, give your ideas and opinions too." He started.

We all nod our heads, a little disappointed that he wouldn't be taking place in the fighting. It made sense tho. He was pretty old and hasn't had ay kind of training in such a long time.

"I want you all to know before whatever is about to happen happens, we are all on the right side of history right now." He says trying to lighten up the mood a little it.

I look around and everyone is nervous except for Eret. He still has that strange regretful looking face. 

Why? Maybe that was his way off looking nervous or scared?

"Were ready." The walkie talkie rang.

Wilbur hands me the walkie talkie, reminding me that I was now the one to make the calls. Shakily, I grab it.

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