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"Okay, Tommy should be here in 5 minutes. Also, be nice okay? He needs emotional support right now. He lost a lot and-"

"Yeah yeah, we get it. Pity him, be nice, act like we care." -Sapnap

"Dude, shut up. You're actually an asshole."

"No, i'm just honest."

"No, that's not honesty, that's just you being a genuinely shitty person."

"Really? Well, does anyone else care about what they are going through?" He turned around and looked at Dream and George. They definitely knew the story with the fire and Schlatt. Wilbur probably told them.

I turned around to look at the two behind me. Dream seemed unbothered, like he wasn't paying attention but was definitely ready to stop us if we started getting really angry at each other. George on the other hand, he looked really guilty. He definitely felt sympathy for the boy who lost everything in the fire but he wouldn't admit it, simply because Sapnap was his friend.

"None of you assholes were there! How could you know what he's going through?"

"Boohoo. He lost his values in a burning house. I'm not gonna feel sympathetic for him." Now we had stopped walking and we were staring at each others, dead in the eyes. I didn't know where Dream or George was. They probably stepped back to give us room to talk, well, argue.

"How do you know that it was like that!"

"Because! How could it be that bad! Ohhh noooo. My poor houseeee. I lost my iron pickaxeeeee. Whaaaaaaaaa. I'm so saddddddd." He said in a sarcastic tone.

"Seriously? You're fucking joking right." I said in that pissed off laughing tone. (I really hope yall know what i'm talking about)

He didn't respond and just looked at me dead in the eyes. How did I manage to get into an argument with this guy that I've know for under 3 hours. To the point that we are about to literally start fighting each other.

"Wow. You do realize that, this boy... this kid, what he is what? like 15 or something? He has lost SO much. So so much. The literal least you could do is some what act like you care. No, he didn't just 'lose a house and a pickaxe on the way' he lost an INTIRE VILLAGE. Along with ALL OF HIS FRIENDS. ALL OF HIS FAMILY. ALL OF HIS PETS. THEY COULD BE LOST OR THEY COULD BE DEAD! WHO THE FUCK KNOW. HE WATCHED SOME OF THEM DIE."

"Yeah well I had to go through-"

"No. Hahah, no. You DO NOT get to compare yourself to him. I don't know what you have been through and I am sorry if it was hard for you but that gives you absolutely 0 rights to compare whatever you went through with him. Fuck, when I was there, there were people running about ON FIRE. IMAGINE YOUR FRIENDS- IMAGINE DREAM AND GEORGE AND WHOEVER THE FUCK ELSE YOU CARE ABOUT. IMAGINE HEARING THEM SCREAMING IN PAIN, LITERALLY ON FIRE. IMAGINE BEING THERE, KNOWING THAT YOU COUDNT DO ANYTHING TO HELP THEM."

His cocky grin quickly turned into a surprised guilty face.


I didn't let him finish before walking away.


Dream and I were walking down the path. George stayed behind with Sapnap who was probably really angry. Whatever, he definitely deserves it. He deserves all the shit coming for him.

"You alright?" Dream said, finally breaking the silence.

We had been walking for a bit to get to probably wherever we were supposed to meet Tommy.

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