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"hmmm and me. Alway hmhmhm. We could
stayyy.  Along hmhmhm." (The song is called always forever at the top)

I can hear humming to a song in a high pitched voice.

Open your eyes.

C'mon. You can do it.

I open my eyes using all the force I have. I could only get them open a little because of how bright it was.

Where am I?

This isn't my room.

I was lying on a bed. I look to my left and see a window. Outside, I could see a farm, there's some animals and plants and further back some more building. The sun is up, it's the middle of the day? 

I look to my left.

"hmm hmm. You've got me in hmm pockettt."

There was a very tall man. He had brown curly hair and a red beanie on. He was watering some plants on a desk.

He turns around. He had dark brown eyes.

"Ah you're awake!" A friendly smile greeted my face. He started walking towards me.

I sat up on the bed quickly backing up as far as I could. My back hit against the headboard.

Who is this guy?

He noticed my sudden movement.

"Hey, hey... it's okay. Don't be scared. I'm not gonna hurt you."

I opened my inventory All of my stuff was gone.

"Where's my stuff."  I said that in a scared but serious tone. I remember Schlatt telling me stories of terrible people hurting and torchering weaker and vulnerable people. I was not going to be the weaker and vulnerable person. Although my terrified face definitely said otherwise, I kept the 'Don't trust anyone, attack of you must, stay alert, don't let your guard down' kinda mindset.

"We took it to make sure you wouldn't attack any of us."

Us? We?

Absolute silence filled the room. He stayed where he was, probably deciding wether or not to back up or move closer to me. I was terrified. I haven't seen anyone apart from Quackity and Schlatt for over 2 years.

Quackity and Schlatt.

Where are they?

Schlatt would kill me if he found me.

I ran away.

Why did I run away.


No no no no. Not the time to think about that.

Focus on right now.

"Who- who are you." I tried keeping my voice hard and scary but it didn't really work out well.

"My name is Wilbur Soot. I found you in the forest near the fire. We're you part of the village that was burnt?"

"The... oh... Well-... I" I couldn't make out my words.


So much for not thinking about it.

My face grew 5 shades more pale then it was before. I'm sure this mysterious man noticed that because he said "Hey, it's alright. We don't have to talk about it right now."

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