trip to target

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anna said we are going to target today i got out of the shower and put on one of anna's hoodies and sweatpants ohh jeez anna is funny when we go to target this is going to be fun katie and anna at the store tho

i go down stairs hey guys yall ready,

they said yea we went to the car sab and katie were in the front me and anna in the back anna was squizeing me thigh

i wiserped baby not right now

ok later? she said

yea later when we go back home,

ok,she said

we get to target


we got to target and i saw sab and eva nod there heads because they know me and katieact a bit crazy when we are at target i got a cart so did katie

katie why did you grab a nother cart,eva said

idk because i can,katie said

me and katie saw starwars light sabers and started fighting with them like they were sords

guys stop plating around jeez yall act like kids,sab said

shutup you act like a kid sometimes to sab,katie said

whatever,sab said

eva started laughing,

me and katie ran away from sab and eva

i think they were trying to find us

gets texts from sab and eva

where the fuck are you guys its been 30 fucking min

dont anwer them katie said laughing,

ok, i said

katie they just passed us i wonder if they saw us i said laughing,

i dont think they saw us,katie said laughing,

gets text from sab,

ima fucking leave you guys at the store where the fuck are u guys,

how can you leave us you dont even have the keys,i said

whatever where the fuck are u guys i swear if you dont fucking tell me ima beat your ass when i find you and katie,

im not telling you, you passed us 2 times and still havent seen us you blind,

shut up im going to find you bitch,

i think shes really pissed off,i said laughing

we should go to the car and hide in the trunk,katie said laughing

yea and leave the keys some where they can see them and they will think they left us,i said laughing

text sab and tell her where the keys are then we will leave and go to the trunk,katie said laughing

hey sab the keys are in the stuffed animal seaction bye,i said

why the fuck would you give me the keys ima leave you guys,

anna and katie are hideing and me and sab are trying to find them anna texted sab where the keys where me and sab started to get pissed off so we just found the keys and left to the car

you sure we should leave them how are they going to get home,i said

eva they can fucking take a uber there getting on my nerves,sab said

i texted anna,

bubba where the fuck are u where going to leave you,

she left me on open i got pissed she never leaves me on open

text anna again and ask her if she doesnt get in the car in 5 min where fucking leaveing them,i said to sab

ok,sab said

sab texted her and anna said she doesnt care i got pisssed because she texted sab back but not me..

i texted katie

katie i swear where going to fucking leave you guys so stop fucking playing around and get in the fucking car, i said

noo,she said,

sab lets just go home im fucking tired of this shit,i said

yea lets go we always have to deal with these dumb asses,sab said

i really wish anna texted me back but she never did we got home and i texted anna,

bubba where home so if we left you thats your fault,i said

nah you didnt leave us check the trusnk of the car,she said

i got out of the car and told sab to unlock the trunk she unlocked it and katie and anna where there

what the fuck guys you guys are so annoying,i said

sab was so pissed she went in side and slammed the door shut,

anna and katie started laughing,

i looked at anna and noded my head

we went in side i went to my room,

anna grabbed my hand and pulled me where do you think your going,she said

she picked me up and took me to her room

eva was going to her room i pulled her arm and picked her up and took her to my room

she was really mad that me and katie where acting stupid,

it was just a funny joke baby,i said

anna me and sab where fucking looking for you guys every where can you guys like not do that next time,she said

ughh fine,i said

yall got to ruin the fun i wispered to myself

bubba you can have fun just dont do that again please,she said

ok i guess,i said

i kissed her we where standing so i pushed her on the bed,

bubba what are you doing...she said

nothing,i said lauging

i took her shirt off and started kissing her neck,

bubba im really hungry can we do this later,she said

she didnt eat all day..

yea baby you havent eaten in all day let me go make you something to eat...

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