Everybody is back

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Eva:Anna can you just leave me alone please
Anna:Eva I'm sorry
I stay silent
Anna:I'm not going to leave till we talk about us
Eva:what do you want me to say that I'm fine that we broke up huh yea okay you can leave now
Anna:Eva please don't do this
Eva:I didn't do it you did after these months I don't know what happened but I really thought you could have yk what nevermind
Anna:Fine blame me I'm the one that ruined are relationship fuck you Eva fuck you for always fucking blaming me(Anna storms out the room
Eva:Anna no

I slam Evas door and cry in the floor outside her room

Sab:hey what's wrong
Sab:your crying outside of Evas door saying nothings wrong Ik you just tell me
Anna:I don't want to talk about it
Sab:is it about your guys relationship
Sab:ooh I'll talk to Eva
Anna:what about you and Katie you guys Ok
Sab:me and her talked and decided that we would be better as friends
Anna:ooh I'm sorry
Sab:it's okay but figure it out katie is crying her ass off because you guys broke up

Yk what fuck it I'm going after her

I open the door and Anna and Sab are right next to my door
Sab:umm I'll just leva you guys to talk she runs down the stairs
Eva:I'm sorry I blamed you I'm just mad Sad I don't know I don't know why I went off at you I'm sorry
Anna:that hurt
Eva:Ik I feel bad for sting all that shit
Anna:look I don't want to break up neither
Eva:then why break up
Anna:Eva it's not that easy to just act normal after not talking for 2 months
Eva:Ik but we can make it work again right
Anna:I'm sorry  Eva :Anna gets up and goes to her room

Anyways I'm going to watch a sad break up movie because why not
(Knock knock)
Anna:come in
Eva:can umm I watch whatever your watching with you
Anna:sure if you want to cry
Eva:what are you watching....
Anna:a break up movie
Eva:welp I got to prepare myself to cry

1 hour later
Me and Eva are balling are eyes out
Anna:that wasn't a good idea to watch(continues to cry)
Eva:it's wasn't
Eventually we stop crying eva falls asleep in my stomach wow I missed that

I put her hair behind her ear and I whisper

Anna:hey Eva
Eva:mhm(she whispers)
Anna:are you going to sleep in here for the rest of the night or
Anna:ok goodnight stupid
Eva:goodnight boon


I wake up to Anna whispering into my ear

Anna:good morning
Eva:good morning
Anna:what do you want to do today
Eva:I get up and I look into Anna's eyes
Anna:okay then I pick
Eva:what no I get to
Eva:first let me take a shower
Ik me and anna aren't together but
I look into Anna's eyes I kiss her really quick and I try to run but she grabs my hand
Anna:not so fast I pull Eva into me and I kiss her
Eva:I thought you said
Anna:forget what I said last night really got me thinking I can't lose you your my everything
Eva:you are my everything to I love you

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