sab and anna

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the next day

i better call katie

hey katie,

hey eva,

anna needs you i know its weird but come back,

why whats wrong what happened,katie said

shes been in her room with sab for a week and they have not came out,i said

i didnt know me leaveing would do anything im sorry eva but i cant come back,katie said

well the day you left she got home and went to her room with sab when are you comeing back,i said

eva i cant just go my mom wont let me i got a ticket tho to go in 2 weeks,katie said

im going to call anna to see if shes ok,katie said

okay,i said


its been a week now i havent gotten out of my room for a week nether has sab all we have been doing is watching movies and cuddle and sleep we havent eaten yet nether

me and sab were cuddleing ih eard my phone ring

who is it,sab said

its katie i wonder what she wants,i said

ohhh well anwer,sab said

hey,katie said

hey when are you comeing back i need you now,i said

i got a ticket im going in to weeks,katie said

2 WEEKS WHAT why to weeks tho why not 1 , i said

i cant go right now anna,katie said

well anyways what are you doing,katie said

me and sab are watching star wars and cuddleing, i said

ohh have you talked to eva yet,katie said

no i havent talked to her since you left,i said

ooh well i got to go so ill talk to you later,katie said

okay bye,i said


anna got off the call with katie we were watching star wars anna looked at me and we made eye contact we both leaned in and kissed each other

i got a text from eva i said to anna

she got woried

why do you look woried anna

what we just did did she figur out is she at are door ohh shoot im scared shes going to beat me,she said

noo she said that she left us food at the door she said to eat do you want me to get it or you, i said

ill get it i hope she not out there, anna said

same ok go get it,

i heard anna say ohh hey and ran back

what happened,i said

it was eva she got out of her room and she said hey so i didnt want to be rood so i said hey back then i ran,anna said

am i catching feeling for anna i mean we kissed i dont know this whole week has been the worst

ohhh ok are you hungry?i said

not really but we havent when we got back home when we droped off katie did you eat all your food? she said

noo i didnt i only aet my fries,i said

eat you need to eat,she said

okay only if you eat,only if you eat i said


i think im starting to catch feeling for sab i kissed sab eva is going to kill me i dont want to hurt her feelings
im going to have to tell her i dont want to tho

i grab my phone

what are you doing?sab said

telling eva,i said

telling her what? sab asked

i cant keep this a secret from her i know its oing to hur her feeling but i can keep it from her, i said

shes going to kill us,sab said

i know,i said

i texted eva

i need to tell you something eva,i said

did you do something,she asked

yes i did im sorry,

what did you do,she said

i kissed sab im sorry plz dont kill me, i said

WHAT!!,she said

im sorry,i said

i knew something would happen if you guys were in a room for a week together,she said


anna texted me that her and sab kissed
i knew that would happen i started crying i was so mad at anna i need anna i want to cuddle with her i want to be with her all my life but i guess thats not what she wants why does this always happen to me i need katie now

katie you need to get a plan ticket as soon as you can plz come i need you,i said

what happened tell me,katie said

i need you just get a plane ticket and get here as soon as possoble please, i said

eva i cant get a plane ticket whithout knowing why you want me to be there right now, she said

first anna and sab will not get out of that god dam room they havent talked to me in days and anna and sab kissed and i dont know what to do im loseing my mind katie please i need you just get here as soon as you can please,i said

ohh god me leaveing really did something didnt it see if i didnt leave none of this would of happened,katie said

cooper broke up with sab the day you left as well,i said

WHAT,katie said

yea please i just need you here anna needs you too the only person i can talk to is karina please come back,i said

look il try to find some plane tickets to get there as soon as i can i dont care what my mom saids i need to be there for you guys ill tell you when i find one im going to check for some right now,katie said

hey thanks,i said

for what,katie said

for being here for me i didnt think you were going to try finding a plane ticket to come back i thought you were going to do nothing about it,i said

hey ill always be there for you and anna i dont want to be mean so i guess ill be there for sab to i love you guys ill see you guys in 3 days,katie said

wait what you found a plane ticket,i said

yea i just got one but your going to have to pick me up from the air port,katie said

ok i will what time,i said

i dont know ill just call you when i get there,katie said

okay,i said

i miss anna,

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