Hurt my friends and i hurt you

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I don't know what's happening but I'm not going to go back I'm going to spend the week at a hotel and spy on the house because I swear if someone is hurting them I will fucking kill them I'm not letting my friends get hurt I need to talk to Eva I know we aren't on speaking terms right now but I'm going to need help if I want to do this I need to buy supplies

Anna:hey I know you don't want to talk to me right now but I need help with something it could possibly invole hurting someone:)
Eva:I'm still mad but I'm hurting someone so I'm in:/
Anna:btw I'll think about us I promise
Eva:it's okay you don't have to
Anna:I'm still thinking okay meet me here
I send her my location
Eva:why aren't you home
Anna:this is the point you will know when you get here

I see Evas car pulling up she comes into my hotel room I hug her
Eva:okay so what's wrong
Anna:yesterday Katie and Sab were acting weird they never act how they acted they wanted me to leave today which I did but they think I left to go back which I'm not they said I'm safer if I go I'm worried somebody may be hurting them and if there hurting Sab and Katie that means
Eva:there hurting you mom and brother but they don't want to say anything
Eva:okay so what are we going to do
Anna:I'm going to buy a different car and spy on the house
Eva:okay what car
Anna:I don't know yet but I'm going to have to go to a car shop
Eva:why haven't they told me anything
Anna:I don't know now maybe they don't want you hurt I wouldn't either 
Eva:what are we going to do how are we going to stop this
Anna:great question we are getting hand cuffs a bat and some weapons and a camera to video tap what they do to show to the cops
Eva:that a great plan
Anna:I'm not letting anyone hurt my friends not them not my mom not my brother I don't want anyone getting hurt
Eva:you're a great friend
Anna:I just don't want them hurt that's all
Eva:sure love

I smile at Eva
Anna:I love you
Eva:don't say that
Anna:I do Eva
Eva:I dont want to talk about this right now can we just beat the shit out of those mother fuckers

I stop smiling I really do love Eva and I know I hurt her when I said I don't want to talk about it I know she knows I'm avoiding talking about us but it's how it is I don't know if I'm ready but I do know I love her

Eva:I'm sorry
Anna:sure you are now let's just go buy that damn car
We go to the dealer I buy a jeep

Eva:I'm sorry Anna:sure you are now let's just go buy that damn car Eva:ok We go to the dealer I buy a jeep

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The car Anna bought

Eva:I love this car
Anna:it's cool
Eva:yeah now let's go to your house
We wait outside for a couple house when we see a dude get out of a car
Anna:I see do you want to sneak up to the window
We go and check he's yelling at my mom Katie and Sab and my brother he then hits my mom and true rest I take out my camera
Anna:go get the handcuffs and the bat and the taser
She comes back
Anna:you know maybe we could use those handcuffs for something else another time
Eva:whatever she rolls her eyes
She seems really pissed at me
Eva hands me the taser we handcuffs she gets the bat i knock down the door

Anna:somebody call for a rescue
The guy slaps Sab
Anna:okay that's it nobody hurts my bestfriend like that alright look dude I don't know who the fuck you are but you are not touching my friends and family again you got it I'm going to fuck you up so badly
He try's to punch me I dodge and taser hit
Eva this is your entrance
Eva enters and hits him with a bat hundred of time i tase him again

I pull his hair and left his head up

Anna:look dude you dont ever want to to deal with me you got it you hurt then and I hurt you you need to go to fucking hell you fucking bitch ooh and good luck with jail I have s friends that works there so good luck I tase him again and my friend enters and takes

Eva:you looked hot saying that and doing that
Anna:thanks you did to

Anna:and you Sab Katie why the duck didn't you tell me that this was happening when you told me that yesterday I knew something was up
Katie:you would of gotten hurt
Anna:does it look like I care I don't want you guys to get hurt never okay if something happens tell me or Eva

Anna:and you mom I can't believe you didn't say anything I'm your daughter and you too Brandon
A/m:I'm sorry honey
Anna:I'm just glad your okay now
Sab:we aren't
Anna:what do you mean
Katie:there's more
Anna:god damn it well I'll get them we will ally beat the living hell out of them
Anna:devyn late that's one thing

Oh yeah I called her
Devyn:I'm here ooh wait I missed it didn't
We look at devyn
Eva:as always
Devyn:stfu Eva
Anna:glad you made it tho
Devyn:glad to see you all Except this one
She points at Eva I laugh
Anna:well one thing your not late there are more we need to beat up
Devyn:isn't that great
Eva:we need more supplies for everyone
Sab:you guys there not around right now they will be here in like 1 month you guys are okay
Eva:really okay great I'm leaving bye I hope you guys get better and I'm sorry this happened
Katie Sab a/m:bye

Anna:devyn stay here with them

I run after Eva
Anna:how are you going to get home
Anna:let me take you home
She turns around We head to the car We are pretty quiet
I stop at s river and s good view
Eva:did you kidnap me because this isn't my house
Eva gets out and walks away
I get out and run to her and I turn her around
Anna:I love you Eva
Eva:okay can you please just actually take me home
Eva:I'm walking then
Anna:it will be a 1 hour walk I don't think you want that
Eva:it's true I don't want that I don't want anything
Anna:just let me
Eva:let you what take me somewhere that's far away from my house again
Eva:mhm nice just take me home
Eva:god damn it anna I hate you just take me home
I look at her I think she could see that pain in my eyes when I said that
Eva:I-please just take me home Anna
Anna:I hate you too Eva cudmore
I walk away I keep walking them it turns into running I can hear footsteps behind me I know it's Eva I sit down because I'm tired Eva sits next to me
Eva:I didn't mean it like
Anna:then how did you mean it because it really sounded like you did
Eva:okay stop avoiding this
Anna:You know what I am avoiding this I am
Eva:okay what's the problem then because if you really love me you would want to be with me me
Anna:that's the problem I don't know if I want to be with my I like what we have right now and I don't want it ruin it eva I love you I do I just don't want to ruin anything
Eva gets up and walks to the car I go after her we get to the car I turn her around I grab her waist I pull her in and I kiss her she kissed back
Anna:okay I may not want to ruin anything but I need you and I want you I love you
Eva:I love you too
She kisses me
Anna:so will you not be mad at me
Eva:I guess not
Anna:wait will you be my girlfriend?
Eva:yes I will

I'm bored🙄

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