Everybody signed up for school

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I hear someone yelling so does Anna we both look at Each other and we go downstairs to see who it is Sabs alright there

Eva:what's all the shouting for
Sab:nothing Katie wants to talk to us
Katie:guys we should go to school
Anna:are you serious did you not know how it went when I went it was horrible
Katie:come on it will be fun
Sab:school fun
Eva:yea no
Katie:I already signed up
Katie:I don't want to go alone that's why I'm asking you
Sab:you can't survive school alone I'll sign up
Anna:yea no your not leaving us in signing up
Eva:ugh fine I'll sign up because you all are
Katie:this was my plan

I get a phone call from my mom
Evas mom:hey sweetie
Eva:hey mom what's up
Evas mom:I'm in town I bought a house
Eva:wait fr
Evas mom:me and your father wanted to know if you wanted to come live with us
Eva:I- I have to think about it
Evas mom:take your time
Evas mom:I have to go but I love you bye
Eva:I love you too bye

Eva:My parents are in town they bought a house
Katie:Eva that's great
Eva:she wants me to move in
Sab:so what are you
Eva:I think I am plus we are going to school and we will still hang out
Katie:no dorms I guess

How am I going to see Eva we just got back together
Eva:babe are you okay
Anna:yea I'm okay
Eva:you sure

I go upstairs and sign up for school
Knock knock
Anna:come in
Eva:what you doing
Anna:signing up
I finish signing up and I shut my computer
I lay down
Eva:what's in your mind
Eva:I know there's something wrong
Anna:there isn't okay
Eva:I love you
Anna:I love you too I mumble
Eva:are you mad
Eva:you clearly are I'll just leave you alone
Anna:we just got back together I don't want you to move out
Eva:babe Ik but I haven't seen my parents in a long time
Anna:I don't want you to leave
Eva:Your still going to see me
Anna:umm I think this is a right time to tell you this but my mom is moving into this house and my brother I already told Katie and Sab
Eva:you told them first?
Eva:well if you get your mom then I want to see mine
Anna:I understand okay I do
Eva:good I'm moving today
Anna:what babe today
Anna:don't forget to sign up
Eva:I won't
She kisses me and leaves

1 week later

Eva:hey babe
Babe:hey beautiful
Eva:come over
Babe:i have to study
Eva:you can study with me we have the same homework
Babe:true okay I'll be there soon send me the address
Sends address

Knock knock
Eva:I'll get it mom
I open the door
Anna:hey ba-
I cover her mouth
Eva:they don't know I like girls
Anna:okay then
Evas mom:who is it
Eva:it's my friend
Anna walks in
Anna:hey mrs.cudmore
Eva:mom this is Anna
Evas mom:hello Anna
Eva:we're going to study
Evas mom:okay

I grab Anna's hand and take her to my room
I lock the door
Anna:why you lock it
Eva:so she doesn't come in
Anna:okay let me act like I just got here
Eva:wait good morning
Anna:good morning
I kiss Anna she pushes me on the bed we make out for a bit
Eva:babe we have to study
Anna:I hate homework
Eva:I do to but we have to do it
I kiss Anna one more time

We start studying I hear my mom
Evas mom:girls food ready
Anna:babe I'm not hungry(Anna whispers in my ear)
Eva:welp I'm not either but I can't be rude
Anna:okay let's go then
We go to the kitchen and we start eating
Evas mom:so How long have you guys been friends
Eva:I don't remember but a long time

Anna puts her hand on my thigh I look at her and shake my head

Evas mom:we're going to go to the movie theater later do you want to join us
Anna:sure it would be a pleasure
Eva:let's go study mom call us when we go
Evas mom:ok

We go to my room I push Anna on the bed she flips me over I kiss her she makes her way down and kisses my neck she starts putting her hand up my shirt
Anna:should we do this
Eva:I'll stay quiet

I hurry up to Evas mouth before she moans
I cover her mouth
Anna:I thought you said you would stay quiet
Eva:I couldn't hold it
Anna:should we stop before your mom hears us
I kiss her one more time and I get up

Knock knock
Eva:yes mom
Evas mom:let's go
Me and Eva get up I let go of her hand Eva looks at me

We get in Evas car Evas mom is driving in hers
I put my hand on Evas thigh

We get to the movie theater
Anna:ima go to the bathroom I'll se you in s but
I go to the bathroom I see this one girl looking at me while I wash my hands

Your hot
You single by any chance
Anna:nope nope nope I walk out really fast
Give me a kiss
Anna:yea no bye
I run to we're Eva is
Anna:ba-I mean Eva
Anna:don't get Mad but someone was flirting with me in the bathroom
Eva:he'll no I'll be back
Anna:Eva no I grab her arm no
Eva:I'm beat her ass up
Anna:Eva no your not come on
Evas mom:I got the pop corn let's go watch it now
We sit down eva leans her head in my shoulder
Anna:your mom I whisper
Eva:she won't suspect anything
Anna:if you say so
Evas mom is watching the movie
I kiss Evas forehead
Anna:I love you I whisper in her ear
Eva:I love you too
Anna:you were cute back there
Eva:haha no she was flirting with you
Anna:your cute when your mad and hot
Eva:ooh shut up
Anna:watch the movie beautiful

Eva:hey mom ima spend the night at Anna's house
Evas mom:okay

After that movie
Eva:do you think that girl left
Anna:no because she's right there

Evas mom left
Eva:let me beat her up
Anna:babe no come on let's go
Eva:just let me
The girl comes up to me and kisses me I stay frozen I don't miss back
The girl leaves
I have never wiped a kiss that fast
Anna:Ahh I have to go wash my face
Eva:and ima go beat her up
Anna:yea no Ik she just kissed me but no come here
I grabbed her hand and went to the bathroom I washed my face
Anna:The last person I kiss can not be that girl
I kiss Eva
Eva:why aren't you mad
Anna:Eva I am mad that's why I'll deal with it go to the car
Eva kisses me and goes to the car
Anna:hey bitch
Anna:Ill beat your fucking ass if you touch me again
She comes up to me and try's to kiss me
I punch her in the face
Anna:what did I say
You punch hard
Anna:you want me to do it again
No no please no
Anna:then leave me the fucking alone
I'm sorry bye
I go to my car and Evas sitting down
Eva:what did you do
Anna:punched her now she's scared of me
Eva:yea your pretty scary
I drive home
Anna:let's go to my room
Anna's mom:hey Eva
Eva:hey mrs.shumate
I pick up eva and take her to my room
Anna:goodnight beautiful
I kiss her forehead then lips
Eva:goodnight bub

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