Are we really back to normal

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All of a sudden I get this anger I don't know why I'm just angry I go downstairs and sit down

Sab:hey anna
I stay silent
I'm thinking in my head and all of a sudden I start feeling really anger and sad I'm having mixed emotions
I run outside and slam the fire I get in car
I hit my head on the steering wheel
I start crying
Sab runs to my car and I lock the door so she can't get it
Sab:Anna open the fucking door
sab:ANNA PLEASE open the fucking door please
Anna:I can't I just can't
Sab:breaks the door window
Anna:the fucking window
Sab:I don't fucking care about the fucking widow I care about you okay I can fix the widow okay
Anna:I'm sorry I didn't mean what I said in there
Sab:she uses her index finger and her middle finger and lifts my head(look at me Ik that it's been hard lately but I'm here for you okay when ever you need to talk come to me okay I will listen I will talk okay Ik you didn't mean what you said back there you don't need to apologize okay turn the car on let's go on a drive it might calm you down)
Anna:I'm sorry it was my fault that we all stopped talking it was all my fault if I didn't do what I did it would all be normal I'm sorry Sab I couldn't do anything I had to do it
Sab;hey you had to do what you had to okay but stop blaming yourself
Anna:I'm blaming myself because it was my fault okay I didn't do on purpose Sab I promise I didn't mean to hurt you guys that day I wasn't under control I was just mad at you guys all I said before I didn't mean it I regretted everything I said I can't stop thinking about that day and it's been hard from there I really hurt you guys
After all that you guys looked at me different Ik that after that we just acted like nothing happened but it was my fault

Sab:hey Anna it wasn't just your fault you should remember what we did to I'm sorry admit it anna it was everybody's fault
Look you and Eva shook maybe take some time off I know I wanted you guys together but how you are right now I think you guys need a break it's not okay just yet we still need to talk to everyone what happened that night okay

Anna:so you think I should move on me and her have been in are ups and down and they haven't worked out what if it's us what if we need to move on from each other and find new people

Sab:I don't want to take part in this but do what you think is better for you

Anna:hey thank you I love you I'm so thankful that your in my life

Sab:anything for my bestfriend I love you Anna

Ugh I hate acting like nothing happened that night but it's the past I just have. Forget about it
Anna's words hurt really bad we all just act like nothing happened I get it it's not her fault it's all of ares but her works hurt worst

I go downstairs and Anna and Sab are pulling up in the parking lot i wonder where they went

Anna:ooh I'm hey Eva
Sab:yuh hi Eva

Anna:can we talk Eva
Sab:you got this stupid Sab tells Anna

In my room
Anna:okay umm before It starts getting sad
I love you Eva I really do okay just don't get mad

Eva:okay I'm scared
Anna:don't be
Anna:I think we need to move on from each other and start seeing other people I love you a lot I just isn't think it had been working out
Eva:you know what your fucking right thanks for telling me that okay now leave my room

Anna:Eva wait please
Eva:you said it yourself let's I e on okay then bye

She walks our my room

damn it I'm fucking mad so last not was for nothing that's fucking stupid I really thought she wanted me back I'm so stupid to think that

Okok Ik this took a flip😭

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