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I didn't realize me and Eva Fell asleep it was time for me to go to class I didn't want to go I was scared but I have to go I got in my car and drove to school Eva was still sleeping so i didnt wake her up i got to school i got terrified i didnt want to go in i went to my class everybody looked at me thats weird i sat down first class all done i have to go to my next class i didnt know where my other class was this one girl came up to me

hey are you new,she said

yea,i said

do you need help to your classes,she said

yes please,i said

she helped me get to my class


i woke up Anna wasnt next to me she must be at school now i went down stairs i saw sab and katie they werent next each other maybe they got in a fight or something

hey have you seen Anna,sab said

no she went to school she didnt wake me up,i said

ooh okay,she said

i wish Anna woke me up im i texted Anna

hey bubba,i said

hey bby,she said

hows it going,i said

good i guess i have to study when all my classes are done so i wont be home till 7:00 sorry baby,she said

its okay bubba ill be waiting for you,i said

okay well i have to go to class,she said

okay bubba,i said

i love u bye,she said

love you too,i said


collage is a lot of work my first day and i already have to study for a fucking test we get a week to study i got done with all my classes

hey you want to study together,said riley

sure also whats your name,i said

my names riley what about yours,riley said

my names Anna,i said

we went to her house to study we studyed for a while

are you the only one that lives here,i said

no my friend lives with me but hes not here right now what about you,she said

yea i live with my girlfriend and my bestfriends so i basiclly live with 3 people,i said

ooh thats cool,she said

yea well i better get home,i said

okay well do you want to study tommorow,she said

yea sure,i said

well bye,i said

i went to my car and i went home everybody was on the couch exept Eva

hey how was it,sab said

it was good but i have to study for a test,i said

on your first day thats messed up,katie said

yuhh wheres Eva,i said

i dont know prob in her room,sab said

okay,i said

i went up to my room and i put my stuff in my room i went to her room she was watching anime


Anna walked into my room

hey bby,she said

hey bubba,i said

she jumped on my bed and gave me a kiss

i missed you,she said

i missed you too,i said

you want to sleep in here or in my room,Anna asked

lets go to your room,i said

we went to her room i swear i havnt heard sab and katie talk to each other today

hey ill be in your room in a sec,i said

okay,Anna said

these people need to talk to each other
i grabbed katies hand

what the hell or you doing,katie said

get up,i said

ughh fine,katie said

i dont care if there mad mad at each other but they have to talk to each other i get mad at them sometimes and i still talk to them

talk to sab,i said

why,katie said

you guys havnt talked to each other all day and yall have been on the couch all day,i said

fine,katie said

she sat next to sab

hi,katie said

hi,sab said

yall are hella akward,i said

yea im going to my room now bye,katie said

ughh,i said

i went back upstairs Anna was brushing her teeth i got in bed she got done brushing her teeth

is it just me or katie and sab have been acting weird,she said

they havnt talked to each other today,i said


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