Test day

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6:00 in the morning
Eva woke me up
Eva:good morning ima go home to change for school pick me up?
Anna:good morning yea I'll be there get ready for our test
Eva:it will be easy
Eva:okay well bye
She kisses me and leaves
Anna:bye I yell

I hate tests I didn't study enough I hope it's easy I get up and change

Katie:good morning
Katie:did you study
Anna:yea a little
Katie:I didn't
Katie:let's hope it's easy
Anna:that's why you study
Katie:you said you know what nvm good luck
Anna:ride to school?
Katie:yeah sure what about Sab
Anna:I don't know
Sab:hey guys
Katie:morning do you want Ann to give you s ride to school today
Anna:okay great everybody I'n the car

We get to Evas house
I beep
She gets out of her house I get out of the car
I kiss her and open the door for her
Eva:thank you
We get to school we walk to are class we have the same classes together so that's great

Katie:good luck on the test
Sab:it won't be that hard
Anna:you guys say that but just watch I be hard
Eva:Anna's right
Sab:only agree with her because she's your girlfriend
Eva:and she's your ex
Anna:ok ok stop let's just go inside and get ready for the test

We go inside and sit down Eva sits next to me
Dang I hate these things that block so we can't see anything I mean at least people can cheat
But still

Eva:your going to do great she whispers
Anna:you will to good luck
Teacher:okay you may begin the test
20 mins in I start banging my pencil onto the desk and tapping my foot I close my eyes
Ok I was right this test is hard it's frustrating
Eva puts her hand on my thigh to calm me down I look at her
Eva:you got this she mouths the words

After class
Katie:that was frustrating
Anna:yea it was I wonder if I did good
Sab:please the questions were easy
Eva:yea right you kept banging your head into your hand it looked like you were going to flip the table over
Sab:ooh shutup
Anna:guys we should head to lunch now
Katie:okay bye eva and Sab
Anna:it's stupid how we don't have the same lunch
Katie:yea it's fucking dumb
We sit down and a couple of girls start flirting with us
Anna:Katie can we go
Katie:naw I'm enjoying this
Anna:aren't you straight
Anna:ugh I hate this these girls keep touching my hair
Katie:doesn't it feel good
Anna:I guess but want eva to be here with me
Katie:can you forget about her for like a second
Anna:not really

I hate that we all don't have the same lunch I'm pretty sure I can change that if I go to the office I might do it tomorrow I'll see

Sab:so how is it living with your parents again
Eva:umm it's good I guess
Sab:have you told your mom yet
Sab:that you like girls and that your dating Anna
Eva:I haven't I'm scared to
Sab:ooh well you planning on telling her anytime soon
Eva:I don't know now maybe

The bell rings
Anna:how is my pretty girl
Sab:she's good can't you see
Anna:your just jealous because your single
Sab: Sab glanced at Katie
Eva:ha only if you guys didn't break up
Anna:anyways there were girls touching our hair and flirting with us it was uncomfortable Katie was enjoying it I don't know how
Eva:flirting with you huh who were they do you know them and if by any chance you know there address give me it
Anna:Okok chill babe
I see Sab staring at Katie
Katie:what it was nice
Sab:I don't care if they were touching your hair bruh
Katie;then why you glancing at me
Sab: uhhh
Sab:punches Katie's arm
Eva:such flirts
Eva:Anna shutup
Anna:your mean
Eva:I'm not but I love you
Anna:so you guys want to hang out after school

I know she did not just-
Sab looks at me then Anna and Katie does the same thing

Katie:damn your in trouble Anna
Sab:this is going to be funny

Anna:yes or no
Katie:uhhhhh yes

Sab and Katie look so scared Anna looks at me

Anna:ooh shit I love you too Eva
Eva:good I thought I was going to have to smack the fucking shit out of you

Anna:so yes or no Eva
Eva:ooh yes

After school

I go to my car and wait for the girls
I see Sab walking over to me with Katie

Katie:Anna Sab look
Katie:over there
Anna:why is she so hot
Anna:sorry she's just hot
Katie:your dating Eva
Anna:I know
Sab:I mean your not wrong tho
Katie:we should probably stop staring at her she's going to think we are weird

Eva walks over to us
Eva:what you guys looking at
We all look at Eva and say nothing out loud
Eva:umm ok

Excuse me do you know where the bathroom is?
Anna:Uhhh yea I can show come on
We start waking
Anna:so what's your name
Anna:ooh I like your name I'm Anna
Taylor:I like your to so is this the bathroom
Taylor:well thanks I Guess I'll see you around
Anna:see ya

I walk back to my car and Eva looks mad
Katie:I think she's mad
Anna:no shit

I drive to the mall
We all get out of my car
Sab:what you guys do?
Anna:nothing I just showed her were the bathroom was
Anna:I'm being serious
Sab:ok... whatever you say
Eva:what y'all talking about...
Nothing we all say
Eva:why are you guys acting weird
Anna:no we aren't

They have been acting weird for a while I don't know why I also feel like Anna likes the new girl I feel like they all do I'm scared she's going to leave me maybe for her I see me ex girlfriend she comes up to me and kisses me I don't know why she did that
Ex:I missed you


you really thought I was going to leave you on a cliffhanger yea no

Holy shut any saw that and heard that And so did Sab and Katie
Katie:she misses you huh
Sab:that's messed up
Anna:what the fuck
Ex:who are they
Katie:ok that's more messed up to Anna let's just go
Anna:no who the fuck is this
Ex:Evas girlfriend
Anna:mhm nice okay amazing
Eva:I thought we
Ex:I never left you my phone broke and everything was gone even your number I never could get a reach of you and since I was in college I was really trying to figure out a way to call or text you bu I forgot your number
Eva:so you never just left me like that
Ex:I would never I love you
Eva:oh umm
Ex:I'm sorry that happened
Eva:um it's okay
Anna:we're going to go see y'all later
Sab:that's fucked  up eva that's really fucked yo
Katie:never told us ever told Anna
Eva:guys I-
Ex:what's up with them

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