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3 weeks later

me and Evas friendship had been getting stronger sab is sleeping in her room i feel like are relation ship has been falling apart i still love her a lot and i always will

*knock knock*
come in,i said

hey bubba,sab saids

ooh hey bby,i said

can i lay down with you,she asks

bby you dont have to ask of course you can,i said

we need to talk bubba,sab saids

when i heard those words we need to talk kept running in my head i was scared i didnt know what to do i stayed frozen for a bit i dont know what we were going to talk about at this point i was very very terrifide i know shes my girlfriend but she scares me sometimes i got up and didnt say a word and i went to my bathroom

did you hear me Anna,she said

shit i know im screwed she said my name she never saids my name i knew something was going to happen im freaking out my heart starts pounding i shut the door behind me and lock it shit im screwed why did i do that fuck

Anna did you hear what i said we need to talk now open the door,she saids

mine and Evas bathrooms are connected so i went to Evas room shit shes changeing

lock the door now please,i said

is it sab,she asks

yes now lock them,i said

okay,she said

i was so scared at the piont i scared froze i know im being dramatic but this girl scares me i calmed down Eva was changing i tried so hard not to look at her her beautifull eyes and her soft lips i still remember how her lips feel i miss her but i also love sab but i love Eva im confused which one am i supppose to like because i like both but um with sab im very confused shit i was getting text messages from sab i dont even want to read them i was just scared she was going to break up to me because the words i need to talk just yea no Eva was still naked

hey bruh you going to change yet,i said

yea one sec jeez,she said

sorry i dont care if your naked its just...,i said
i stayed quiet

what did she say,she said

nothing just forget about what i just said,i said

i was looking a deffrent direction so i wouldnt see her but i tured around and looked at her shes so fucking pretty

Anna,she said

sorry i had to turn around i couldnt just stare at a wall the whole time knowing that your in the room,i said

wait did i just say that out loud shit,i said

Anna i can i ask you something,she said

okay im scared okay im going with sab

sorry i have to go with sab befor she blows her mind sorry bye,i said


those words that Anna said just made me feel happy i was going to ask her something it was like she was nerves or something like that she left right after that she was scared because of sab she never told me why mmh i wonder i went to my clothest and put on one of Annas hoodies that i had in my room and some ripped black jeansi heard katie come up to my room

can i come in,katie said

yes you can come in,i said

do you know why sab is pissed she said somthing about Anna she said Anna is ignoreing her she asks me if i knew where she was i said i dont know shit and she went to her room pissed of,katie said

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