we meet again

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Anna:its been 5 years since i have talked or seen sab katie yes i said sab and katie probably wondering what about eva well i talked to her a week ago yes a week ago we couldnt leave each other we didnt last a week i mean we only text i havent seen her face or anything yk it has been hard not talking to sab amd katie they probably both hate me mean they have every right to be mad buti mean i had to leave right for me and eva but i dont know why i wanted to stop talking to sab and i mean katie i wasnt going to stop talking to but she texted me and then said goodbye after figuring out i was leaving sab i dont blame her i mean it is all my fault trust me it hurt leaving but i blame myself i really do i dont know what im going to do i really dont well sab got a new number and so did katie so i dont know where they are or if there alright or anything about them im seeing eva for the first time in 5 years today im honestly scared yk i havnt asked her if shes dating anybody well its perfectly okay with me if she is i mean im talking to someone but i dont think it will go any where i havent been able to move on 

5 hours later
i go to the house that she lives at which is still the house that all the girls lived in which i have no clue if they still live there because i havnt asked her but i dont know im kinda scaared case if they are there then i dont know what to do anyways i need to get going

at the house
im scared to go in i see her car im kinda suprised that she still has the same car i mean i do but still shit i see katies car
its fin i dont see sabs tho maybe there out shopping or something
i get out of my car i go to the door i knock
eva opens the door i saw her face i never fogot how she looked so hot damn okay anna snapp out of it

anna:hey buddy missed you even tho i saw you a day ago

i got on my knees and hugged george
i got back up gorge went to play with his toys
anna:hey i said quitly
eva:hey she also said quitly
anna:so does katie live here or something
eva:yeah so does sab but there gone right now
anna:ooh okay
eva:you know you can sit down this is still your house
anna:yeah ik i pay the bills since i never changed who has the house now lol
eva:you can change it to mine
anna:naw its fine

i sit down george sits next to me
anna:so how are you
eva sits on the other side of george
eva:good i guess what about you?
anna:ive been pretty good you can say i guess?
eva:so you talking to anybody yet or dating not that i care just wondering
george:what do you mean dating
anna:how do you know what that is george
george:grandma tells me things
anna:k ima have to talk to her about that also yeah im talking to someone but i dont think it will go anywhere lol
eva;ooh okay
anna:what about you?
anna:ooh okay
george:why are you guys so dry
anna:your 6 how tf do you know what that means i mean its not bad but huh
anna:of course also eva get up for a sec
anna:just get up
she stands up and faces me i walk forward
eva:what are you doing
i hug her she hugs back i put my head on her shoulder she does the same
george:you guys didnt hug when anna got here?
i let go so does eva
anna:anways lets not get emotional here
eva:yeah lol
i sit down so does eva
i here a car pulling up
i get up and look at eva then i run to the window i see sabs car pulling up

eva:is it sab and katie?
anna:uhh yeah do you guys still have all my stuff in my room
eva:yeah we never moved anything
anna:ok if you need me ill be there
i run upstairs and eva and george follow
eva:nvm george come on
i go into my room why is my bed messed up i remember it being done when i left
it smells like sabs perfume in here and my bed smells like eva and sab combines are they sleeping together please tell me there not i go into my bathroom ooh i see katies clothes uhh why the heck does it smell like all of them in my room its fine i dont care ima just lay down

a couple mins later
eva comes in
anna:ooh good its you
eva:yeah they dont suspect anything
wait where did you park your car
anna:i think in the back why
eva:ok we are good then
eva lays down next to me
anna:why does my bed smeel like you and sab yes its weird that i still know what sab smells like ok
anna:yall sleepng together?on my bed
eva:what no tf i just sleep in here sometimes and so does sab

i looked at eva i wanted to kiss her but i didnt want to hurt any of us and then its just going to be awfull again i mean its not like kissing her is awfull i mean yk whatever

anna:i missed you
eva:i missed you too anna
anna:i want to kiss you but i dont want to start anything yk
eva:same im holding it back because of what happed to us before
anna:yeah how about one because im not going to be able to hold this forever nd ik you too
eva:one anna
anna:ok one i promise
eva:ok well what are you waiting for kiss me already
anna:i thought you were going to
eva:why would-
i cut her off and kissed her
eva:ok maybe one more
anna:i would but i already promised one
eva:i hate you
anna:ooh i know you love me dont even
eva:whatever since you keep promises tell me that were going to be just friends
anna:i promise that were going to not be just friends
eva:wow come on just promise
anna:how about i promise just bestfriends that kiss?
eva:watever nvm no promises
eva:you are annoying
eva:i got to go tho because there going to think soemthing is up because ive been here for to long
anna:okay see ya in a bit
eva:what do you mean
anna:i might go down
eva:ok good uhh befor i leave
eva pulls me in for a kiss
eva:last one i swear

a couple mins later ima go down stairs i can do this i can do i cant do this i can i can i open the door i go down stairs sab looks at me

anna:hey sab i say quitly

katie looks at me when i said that

katie:anna katie saids while she stands up slowly

anna:hey katie
i walk torward katie slowly
i put my arms out
anna:you going to hug me or what
katie hugs me she cries on my shoulder
anna:you're okay im here
katie:you dont know how much ive missed you ive been going through stuff and you were'nt there
anna:im here now im not going anywhere love
i let go of her
i walk over to sab which is crying
i start tearing up
anna;hey love
sab:i cant do this right now
she runs to her room i look at eva
eva:dont leave her like this go follow your bestfriend
i go to sabs room i open her door i sit next to her

anna;i get it if your mad at me sab just please
sab;im not mad but why me why did you leave
anna;i didnt want to hurt you i didnt want to hurt anyone anymore im sorry sab i really am your my bestfriend and you always will be im not leaving anymore i swear
sab:you said that once didnt you
anna;i promise this time turst me sab please
sab hugs me i hug her back

i walk out of sabs room she follows me
anna:well its late yall should go to bed
sab:yeah im tired
katie:fine goodnight people
eva:goodnght yall
me and eva head upstairs
eva:can i sleep with you ik it might be weird but-
i cut her off
anna:just shutup and come into my room

i take my shirt off and pants that leaves me with boxers and a sports bra
eva keeps staring at me
anna:take a pictue it will last longer
eva:ooh shutup i would but i left my phone down stairs but i dont feel like getting it
anna:mhm okay
eva takes her shirt off and pants
and lays next to me not touching each other were both just laying down like robots looking at the cealing

eva turns around faceing me i face her
anna:what now
eva:we could just go to sleep or sneak out and do something
anna;good idea put your clothes back on we are going on a car ride

i get up and i change and so does eva
we go to my car i turn the car on and get out of the back drive way i go to this place where its really cool so you can drive

eva:this is amazing
anna:i knew you would like it
eva;you know me to well
anna:i do
eva and anna:GEORGE
eva:ooh wait nvm he should be asleep
anna:ok good
i stop at this great view
i look at eva
eva:this is just wow
anna:i love your smile
eva looks at me
eva:friends friends eva snap out of it
anna:mad at yourself
anna:i know how it feels dont worry i was mad at my self for a while dont worry

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