Thats fucked up

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Anna:can't believe that happened Eva really didn't say anything she just let it slide

Anna:we're over
Eva:Anna don't do this
Anna:you did it not me
Eva:Anna I love you I would never hurt you
Anna:I love you too and I always will but I really hope you have a good time with your girlfriend
Eva:Anna please

Knock knock
Katie:hey are you ok
Sab:what eva did was fucked up
Anna:yea it was
Katie:I got evas address we should do something
Anna:I don't think that's a good idea
Sab:oh come on I know you want to
Anna:uhh fine let's go
Katie:wait we need a plan
Sab:how about we throw eggs at her car
Anna:good idea she loves her car
Katie:ok let's go

At Evas house we start throwing eggs at her car
Anna:shit shit shit
Sab:ooh shit
We looks at Evas room she's staring at us she doesn't look mad she just looks hurt
Sab:she texted me
Anna:can we go now
Katie:yea let's go Sab

We go back home

The next day
Katie:hey Anna
Katie:don't focus on her today at school you will be ok
Anna:ok I'll try not to
Sab:you will be fine

At school I go to my locker and I grab my stuff for class I go to the bathroom someone walks in that someone is Eva
I ignore her
Eva:Anna talk to me
I ignore her again and walk out Taylor walks up to me
Taylor:how are you?
Anna:umm good i guess what about you?
Taylor:I'm good kinda it's been s rough week
Anna:oh same just stuff you know
Taylor:yeah so um do you like want to hangout after school or study for math
Anna:sure we could hang out I don't really want to study
Taylor:me either ok so I guess I'll see you
Anna:today after school
Taylor:ok great
Anna:well see ya later got to get to class
Taylor:okay bye

Anna:god damn it eva what
Eva:stop fucking ignoring me
Anna:what do you expect me to do huh
Eva:I don't know say something
Anna:I'm not the one who fucked up ok
Eva:I know I fucked up but you can't just ignore me
Anna:Eva I can you don't tell me what to do honestly I thought you loved me what was that yesterday huh "friends" okay amazing you could have at least said something else
Eva:I didn't know what to say ok
Anna:sure you didn't look I love you and I always will but I can't live with this I'm going to have to move on with life either with you or without you so go run back to you girlfriend/ex and live you life with her not me you better off without me anyways and fuck you Eva FUCK YOU

I didn't know I hurt her that bad her saying at that hurt me look what I did it's all my fault

Katie and Sab come running
Katie:Anna what's wron-
Sab:ooh god
Katie:fucking bitch
Eva:guys stop
Sab:stop what stop the fact that you did that to Anna or what?
Katie:I'm sorry Eva but if it's you or Anna I'm with Anna you fucking betrayed her she did nothing to you in the first place and that's all you do nice just nice

Eva:Anna please just let me fucking explain
Katie:leave her alone there is not fucking explaining anything okay got it
Eva:I see you Katie I see you

I see Katie forming a fist
Sab:Katie don't
Eva:thank you sab
Sab: I'm not on your side Eva I'm not your friend I'm not doing this for you I'm dining this for her alright
Eva:ayo the real Sab came out
Anna:look Eva ima warn you leave me katie and Sab alone because we will fuck you up and I'm not joking ima let Katie punch you
Anna:anyways have a bad day and Katie go ahead punch her arm really hard okay thanks I'm go to my car because I don't want to be in school Sab you coming
Sab:yup right behind you

Katie punches my arm really hard I think she's going to leave me a bruse

Katie:I can do it harder if you like
She said walking away and flipping me off
I've never seen this side of all of them I really fucked up I really did

Madison:hey babe
Madison:how are you
Eva:I'm good wbu
Madison:I'm alright so you want to handout later
Eva:yeah sure
Madison:okay I'll pick you up later
Madison:I love you
Eva:I love you too

I hope you guys liked this chapter
Anyways goodnight or good morning

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