Evas parents

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2 months later
I see Eva's parents today I know I've seen them
before but Eva's going to tell them that we are dating her parents don't know that she likes girls well let's see how this goes we also have to take George So they can see him they don't know that we have a kid

Eva:you ready babe
Anna:umm yeah I think
Eva:we will be okay
I kiss Eva we go downstairs George is all ready we go to my car then pull up to Eva's parents house I get out of the car and unbuckle George
Anna:okay buddy give me your hand
He gives me his hand we walk to the door
Knock knock
E/m:ooh hello Eva
Eva:hey mom
E/d:Eva honey glad you came
Eva:same dad
E/m:oh hey Anna
E/m:who's this
Anna:his name is George
E/d:come on in
we walk in and sit down
e/m:so how have you been Anna
Anna:I've been good how about you?
e/m:I've been alright
e/d:so who's the kid
Eva:mom dad I need to tell you some thing
e/d and e/m:okay
Eva:umm Anna is my girlfriend and umm George is our kid you could say
George:yes they are very good parents except when I'm grounded
I laugh

E/d:I always new you liked girls it was very obvious you guys weren't just friends and plus Eva you said girls were hot when you were younger
E/m:we knew all this time Eva but the kid he's like 6 or 5
Eva:well yeah I didn't want to tell you We have had him for like 5 and a half years you could say
e/m:he looks like Anna with his blond hair and kinda in the face
Eva:well they do have a good bond
e/m:so cute
I look at Eva and smile

1 hours later
we have been talking for a while and now we are leaving we say goodbye and go to my car
George:can we get McDonald's
Eva:sure why not get this kid some food
I smile
George:hey when is grandma coming?
Anna:I don't know she might come next month
George:okay Hey Eva are those my grandma and grandpa to?
Eva:I guess you could say that
George:ooh okay

We get McDonald's and go home
George:I'm bored
Katie:ohh you guys are back damn
Sab:that's sad
Anna:shut up Ik your glad we are back
Anna:anyways you guys have to take care of George tonight
Katie:fine whatever
Eva:it's your guy's turn so
Katie: I know Eva damn
Anna:someone's mad

At night at the hotel
After doing yk...
This was the first time we have done it in a long time I mean a long time what if she hates me now what if she thinks I might not love her what if she thinks I'm using her damn it Anna damn it how about i just talk to her or not

I go to the shower I'm still thinking I think I should talk to her when I get out i don't know

After the shower
I get changed and I get out of the bathroom Eva is just laying down she was converted with the blanket I lay down I get some of the blanket and get under them I put my hand over her waist and hug her

Anna:I'm sorry
Eva:about what
Anna:this idk I feel like I don't know how I feel about what we just did yk we haven't done it in a long time and I feel bad
Eva:so you hated it?
Anna:no no that's not what I'm saying I liked it it's just
Eva:hey hey Anna we are okay I love- umm ima go to um the um bathroom really quick
she get up before she could walk away I go in front of her
Anna:hey luv it's okay It's okay if you're not ready to say those words I understand
Eva:it was easy to say when we weren't together but it's different when we are yk
Anna:it's okay luv take your time no rush when you're ready to say it you can and when I'm ready to alright
Eva:I-thank you Anna
Anna:let's just watch a movie or something
I hug Eva
Eva:you're amazing
Anna:so are you

At the house in my room
Eva:Yesterday was fun
Anna:yeah it was
Anna:I love you Eva I can't hold it in anymore and I mean it I don't want to hurt you anymore Ik I might I'm trying my best to not because your the love of my life and I want to be with you forever I can't keep going without you and I you don't have to say I love you back because yesterday you said it was hard I j just needed to say it you take your time to say it but I do love you just want you to know that
Eva:I need you too I can't live without you I want to be with you and only you my love
Anna:you are the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me and I see that you're struggling on saying I love you too and it's okay
Eva:No I want to say it but if I say it right now I know that I wasn't ready to say it and I don't know if I love you the same way I used to honestly don't know if that love I had for you will ever be the same and it scares me
Anna:hey don't feel rushed okay luv it's perfectly okay if you are not ready like I said km not going to make you say it or rush you you need time and I get it the love you had for me might not be the same and it's okay Eva but my love for you was never gone and it will never be gone because I know that no matter what happens it's always going to be you my love
Eva:thank you for understanding you're the most amazing girlfriend ever

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