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I wake up next to Eva she's hugging me I know I said I don't like her I've been trying to convince myself that I don't I just don't want to get hurt again that's why I don't want to get back together with her but it gets harder and harder

Eva starts moving
Anna:good morning love
Eva:good morning Anna
Anna:want to go home now

I grab my car keys and we leave eva grabbed my hand shes a baby i swear we get to the car I open the door for her. I Let her have aux again we head home when we get there I see my moms car did she really drive all the way from Michigan I open the door
A/m:hey anna
Anna:I've missed you
A/m:I've missed you too
Anna:where is George
A/m:over there I brought him so you can be with him when he turns one plus he's Evas kid to I think she would like that

I run up to George
Anna:hey buddy
I pick him up
Anna:your so cute
I put him back down he wants me to pick him up again
Anna:here go with eva
I hand eva the baby
Eva:so cute for what looks like you Anna
Anna:kinda he has brown eyes
Eva:y'all look like twins
I sit down
Eva sits next to me and puts the baby in between

George grabs mine and Evas hand and pulls them closer like he wants us to hold hands
Anna:your seeing this right
Eva:yeah I am
I look at George
I grab Evas hand we interlock are hands

A/m:you guys together still
Anna:ooh umm something
I stop holding Evas hand
A/m:ooh okay
I look at Eva
Eva:umm has George eaten yet?
A/m:no he hasn't
Eva:Anna we should go get McDonald's
Anna:okay mom can you take care of him
I still need to buy him a seat
A/m:of course
I grab my keys and go to the car I open the door for Eva I start driving
Eva:uhh actually nvm
Anna:ooh okay

The car starts speeding up ooh shit oh shit

Eva:Anna I say in a low tone
Eva:Anna I say it a little bit louder

Anna looks at me then the road
Anna:ooh shit oh shit
She pulls over she puts  her head back on the seat her leg starts shaking i put my hand on her thigh
Eva:hey hey Anna look at me
She looks at me
Eva:your okay just look at me your going or be okay I promise just breath in and out you got this
She starts calming down
Eva:see your okay here let me drive
I get in the drivers seat Anna hugs me I hug her back her breathing gets calmer when she hugged me
Eva:your okay now love let's just go home I'll make George something to eat okay
I lift Anna's head up
I smile
I drive us to the house I open the door for Anna we go inside
A/m:where is the food
Eva:sorry umm we had a little thing that happened but I'll make him something to eat Anna you just sit down
I start making food all of a sudden I feel someone's arms on my waist I knew it was Anna
Anna:thank you
I turn around
Anna leaned in and kissed me
Eva:you just
Anna:kissed you I know
Eva:you said-
Eva:you didn't want a relationship with me again
Anna:I don't want to get hurt again I'm scared your going or leave me again and again
Eva:I'm not leaving
Anna:you say  that a lot and still hurt me and left so
Eva:don't forget you left me a lot to anna don't act like I'm the bad guy here
Anna:I didn't mean-
Eva:mhm whatever

I turn back around and cook
Anna:look I'm sorry
I walk away and give George his food I sit down
Anna:I'm sorry Eva Anna whispers in my ear
Eva:I said okay
Eva:Yes really now stop talking
I get up and go to the basement Anna's mom stay with George
Anna follows me

Anna:I never said you were the bad guy
Eva:well you sure are blaming me on things you did to you know you hurt me way worse than I hurt you.you have no clue what I went throw when you left Anna That hurt really bad so stop acting like I did worse
Anna:Eva I I'm sorry okay I was going through some bad stuff and you know that okay I wasn't okay back then I'm sorry that I hurt you

Eva:you left after i-nvm
Anna:after you asked me not to leave I know and I'm sorry I was just really fucked up ok
Eva:yeah I know Now if you don't mind leaving my room
Anna:no I'm not leaving I don't care what you say to me
Eva:look Ik what your trying to d here it's not going to work so just leave Anna
Anna:I already said no I'm not leaving it's either I stay in your room or I'm following you where ever you go next you pick either way your stuck with me
Eva:I hate you

Bruh why is Anna doing this
I push her out of my room and shut my door I lock it
Anna:I'm sitting here till you come out
Anna:ooh and I hate you too thanks for pushing me

3 hours later
Anna:so are you really not coming out it's been three hours and I'm kinda bored just sitting here
Eva:go do something then leave me alone
Anna:naw I'm fine

2 hours later
She has been watching something on her phone for the part 2 hours she really isn't leaving this place
I open the door she's there watching Netflix
On the floor like a kid on her belly
Anna:ooh hello
Eva:fine come in but don't talk to me
Anna:then what's the point
Eva:I don't know
Anna:okay then
She sits on my bed
Anna:wait- was that guy playing you because he hasn't killed me yet
Eva:maybe it was Connor playing me I don't know
Anna:ooh nice maybe seeing how loyal you are
Eva:don't bring this up Anna I was just trying to protect you
Anna:okay whatever you say
Eva:okay get out
Anna:no I'm not getting out
Eva:fuck you
Anna:fuck you too Eva

I don't want to be more than friends with Eva she knows that but I can't stop the fact that I want her she's really the reason I'm probably alive right now she's helped me through so much but had hurt me really bad so I don't know anymore
I lay on Evas bed
Eva:I told you to get out Anna
Anna:I'm not leaving till we figure this out so to bad
Eva:your annoying Anna
Anna:is that supposed to hurt or something
Eva;than what is it
Anna:I-nvm forget about it
Eva:I'm not forgetting about anything okay
Anna:okay that on you I'm going to maya's house I haven't gone in a while but bye
Eva:what do you can fuck her
Anna:maybe if thats what I want you know or I could just lead her on think I like her
Eva:SO you have fuck buddies now

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