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Anna:I get up I try not to wake up eva today is my last day I leave tonight I still haven't told my mom but I'm going to give her a hug before l leave I don't want to leave without giving her a hug
Eva:up so early
Eva:you got any plans today?
Anna:no I think I'm just going to spend time with everyone downstairs watch a movie or sum
Eva:ooh nice
Anna:do you want to stay here?
Eva:sure why not
Anna:okay great let me take a shower then we can go down
Eva:okay I'll wait
After the shower we go downstairs
Sab:hi eva and Anna
Anna:hey I'm do you guys want to watch a movie or something?
Katie and Sab:sure
We watch movie and the day just go by my moms not home yet I have to leave in like 1
hour I hope she gets home in time

I don't want Anna to leave I'm scared she's going to get hurt or something maybe never come back and that's one of my biggest fears is losing something that I care about and love but it's her decision if she wants to or not it's going to hurt seeing her leave I'm the one having to say goodbye to her at the airport I really wish it would of been Katie I don't want to see her leave but it has to be done

This is going to be the hardest thing Anna is always there for me I'm going to miss her it's really going to hurt when she leaves because what if she doesn't come back it's going to be different without her here who's going to take us the s hook every morning blasting mystic having fun going to eat breakfast every morning I'm going to miss that

I don't Anna to get hurt I don't know what's going to happen to her over there I love her and I don't want to lose her like I did several times but this time for good maybe this is hard what if she finds someone better over there I mean I get it if she does but I can't lose her no matter what

30 mins later
My mom gets home we're all sitting down
Anna:hey mom how was work
A/m(Anna's mom):it was good what have you guys been doing
Anna:watching movies
A/m:that great

I have to leave now I have it say goodbye without her knowing I'm leaving and might never come back I go to my mom and hug her
Anna:Sab and I are going somewhere
A/m:okay have fun
Anna:bye mom love you
A/m:love you too honey see you soon
Anna:see you mom

Katie Sab and Eva go outside I walk out and look at the inside of the house and my brother a tear falls down my face

Katie:hey try not to die stupid ima miss you
Katie hugs me
Anna:I'll try and I'm going to miss you too
I look at Eva
Anna:and you don't get in any trouble
Eva:I won't
I hug her
Anna:I love you I whisper in her ear
Eva:I love you too
Anna:wait I be sec I can't do this to my brother I'll be back
I run into the house I go to my brothers room
Anna:Brandon look at me
Anna:take care of mom for me no matter what okay
Brandon:Anna what's happening
Anna:I'm leaving I'll be back tho I promise okay
Anna:I'm going to the military
Brandon:no you can't
Anna:hey it's going to be okay just promise me that you take care of mom
Brandon:I promise
He hugs me I hug him back
Anna:I love you stupid
Brandon:I love you
I get up and walk out the door I look at him
I go outside and get in the car
I wave bye to Katie and Eva
Sab:how was it sting bye to your brother
Anna:not fun it hurt saying bye to him I know it would of hurt worse for my mom
Sab:you should of said bye to be honest

At the airport I look at Sab She starts crying
Anna:hey don't cry
Sab:I'm going to miss you your my bestfriend I can't lose you okay I just can't
Anna:look at me Sab your going to be okay without me I promise I'll be back I hope hey one more thing don't care about what other people think about you do what you like not what they like I've been trying to tell you for a while that my advice for you also don't lose yourself if I'm gone okay you don't need me
Sab:but I do Anna I do
Anna:I'll try my best to come back to you okay
We get out of the car
Anna:I'm proud of you Sab I love you your perfect
Sab:I love you too
I hug her really tight I start walking away I can't I go back and hug her again
Sab:don't look back don't die
I walk away I sit down and wait for my flight then it get called I go to my seat I look out the window I'm going to miss la I'm going to miss my friends and my mom
Before lift off I text my mom

Anna:I'm sorry mom I love you

I put airplane mode on

A couple hours later I land at Texas
Okay it's hot I see people get off with bags I see one of my friends that joined to

lia:oh my god Anna
Lia:it's been so long
Anna:it has
Lia:are you scared?
Anna:yeah but you know It might be worth it


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