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So umm me and Eva was wondering if you guys want to go on a vacation to Hawaii?I ask

That would be awesome,Katie saids

We need a vacation count me in,Sab saids

Of course I've always wanted to go there,dev saids

Yes let's go,karina saids

Okay but the plane tickets aren't that expensive but the place we're going to rent is,I said

Well help you pay right guys,Karina saids

Yea,they all say

Great,I said

I go to my room and go online and look at the place we're going to rent and plane tickets

*knock knock*

Come in,I said

It's Eva I'm not surprised that it's her

She came and sat next to me

So you looking at the places we could rent,she saids

Yea but almost all of them have 3 rooms and we're 5 people,I said

Well 2 people in a room,She saids

I guess we could do that Katie and Sab in one room um dev and...I said

Dev and Karina,she saids

Umm so I guess that leaves us together,I said

Yea I guess,she saids

We kept looking at the houses and we found a good one

This one,she saids

Yea this one seems cool,I said

Okay now for the tickets,I said

Okay,she saids

These ones there the tickets,we both say at the same time

Wait...did we..just say the same thing at the same time,we say at the same time together

Marry me bruh,I said

Jk jk..I said

Unless,she saids

I giggle

She shoves me a bit I shove her back

This is nice hanging out a little bit really but we're having fun and I love seeing her smile

Okay well we leave in 2 days so we should pack tomorrow or today,I said

Um tomorrow,she saids

Okay loser,I said

Stop I'm not a loser,she saids


This is really nice kinda having some time with Anna and having fun

Aww is someone mad I called them a loser,she saids shoving me

No,I said shoving her back

Yea right,she saids smiling

I love your smile,I said

No I love yours,she saids putting her hands on my cheek

She takes her hand of my cheek and shuts her computer

Then she looks at me and hits me with a pillow

Hey,I said and got a pillow and hit her back

You don't hit hard,she saids

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