Paperwork/or maybe later

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In the mornin
I woke up and went down stairs I hear a knock at the door I open it
Hey look I'm sorry just don't hate me yess I left her but I didn't mean to I swear,Sab saids she looks scared
I grab her ear and pull her inside
You think you can just apologize just like that,I said then Katie comes out of her room
Hey Bebe,Sab saids
So can you explain why you left,Katie saids
Look I'm sorry but I'm back and I'm not leaving I promise,Sab said
I'm sorry to you but we are over,Katie saids crying and she goes to her room then Anna comes down she points at Katie's room so I leave Sab with Anna

so do you care to explain,I said
I'm pissed off that she left Katie just like that
I'm sorry I know I should've taken her with me,Sab saids
No shit,I said
It was an emergency I was going to take her but I didn't,Sab saids
You didn't even call or text her you could've done that that shows how much you fucking care about her,I said
I do care about her I always did please Anna forgive me,Sab saids with tears falling she then runs to her room

I get it was an emergency but she could've allied or texted her too tell Katie

Then Eva walks out of Katie's room
She's okay,she saids she walks up to me and kisses me
You sure,I said
Yea I talked to her where is Sab,she saids
She ran to her room crying,I said
Your not going to go talk to her,she saids
No maybe later,I said
Bub you should talk to her even tho she did all that,she saids
Fine,I said and stormed off to sabs room

You know what fuck it I'm getting my girlfriend back no matter what I just have to figure how to

I get up and open the door then Anna is walking to me she pushes me inside my room and shuts the door

Do you want your girlfriend back or not because from what I see you don't fucking care about her nether do you love her,Anna saids

Fuck you,I said

Is she not perfect enough for you is she not funny does she not have a good personality is she ugly or something,she saids


FUCK YOU,I yelled

I mean it feels like you want to say it,she saids

You know what she doesn't have to be perfect for me I know she's fucking perfect the way she is okay I literally love her with all my heart okay and if you have a problem with that fuck you her personality is awesome okay  she is hot as fuck too she is the only person that can make me happy I mean you guys to but she makes me so fucking happy okay now if you don't want me to be happy than just say you don't want me to be happy okay you can just go fucking ruin my life and Katie is really funny okay now if you can leave my room that would be fucking awesome okay,I yelled/cried

She walked out and stopped at the door she looked at me and looked back

You don't love her,she saids

Fuck you I love her so fucking much bitch,I yelled

Then I saw Katie look at Anna and Anna looked at me

I love you,Katie saids

You know just me being me,Anna saids

Shut the fuck up,I said and slammed the door

You know what Sab said was something just wow it was an amazing speech kinda right I don't think I would be tough enough to say all that to my friends Katie came out a bit after I don't know if she heard Everything that Sab said

Hey mo-Anna,Katie saids

We're you going to call me mom,I said

Sorry you know how sometimes you call your teacher mom on accident yea that's what happened sorry,Katie saids

It's okay,I said

Look I know you guys want to adopt me but I'm not ready yet,Katie saids

Okay then tell us when your ready it can be in a year 2 year I don't care as long as your happy,I said
But I'm still here for you,I said

That thank Anna,she saids
Love you Katie,I said
Love ya to,Katie saids
Umm you should go you know,I said
I'm n-I cut her off
You can do it,I said
No I can't,she saids
Think about it also you might want to hear this I recorded what she saids in that room when I was talking to her if you want to know what she said,I said
Thanks,Katie saids
No problem ima go to Eva because I'm pretty sure she's waiting for me,I said
Okay,Katie saids

Well I don't think I can get back with Sab after she left me and didn't tell me why I love her but no I'll just hear what Anna recorded

"'You know what she doesn't have to be perfect for me I know she is fucking perfect the way she is okay I literally love her with all my heart and if you have a problem with that then fuck you her personality is awesome okay she is hot as fuck too she is the only person that can make me happy I mean you guys too but she makes me so fucking happy okay now if you don't want me to be happy then just say you don't want to see me happy okay you can just go fucking ruin my life and Katie si really funny okay now if you could leave my room that would be fucking awesome""

''You don't love her"

"Fuck you i love her so fucking much bitch"

That just broke me,
What she said wow nobody has ever said that about me or even say anything like that I don't know what to say
I go to sabs door

*knock knock*
She opens the door she just stands there I gave her a hug

I'm sorry,she saids hugging me back

I love you and I always will,I said

I love you too Katie,she saids

I'm it was and emergency and I-I cut her off and kissed her

It's okay,I said

(this one was more about Sab and Katie)

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