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I wake up wondering what sabs answer was to Katie's question last night was fun Evas so beautiful when she's sleeping we leave in 2 days to go back to la i look at Eva and kiss her forehead

I love you Baby,I whispered

I turn around and grab my phone and take a picture of her sleeping is cute i set it as my Lock Screen I go through my camera roll and find a cute picture of Eva in a dress and I set it as my Home Screen she's so pretty in this one of course she's always pretty just this one gorgeous

I get out of bed and peck Eva on the lips and go make breakfast for me and Eva

I get done making breakfast my baby is still sleeping I lay next to her

Baby good morning,I said

Good morning,she saids half awake I Kiss her

I made breakfast for us,I said

Thanks bub,she saids

We ate are food And cuddled for a bit

I'm still tired,she saids

My legs are also very sore from last night,she said

I giggled

I went to the bathroom to wash my hands

Fuck,I yelled

What happened bub,she saids

Nothing just soup went on my cuts and it stings,I said

Do you want me to put more bandages on your arm,she said

No it's okay bub,I said

I get back in bed
Do you think we'll get accepted,she saids

Maybe nobody knows tho but I hope,I said

What do you think Sab answer was,she saids

Yes I don't know,I said

Do you want to go on a walk,she saids

I thought you don't like walks and your tired,I said

I guess I could get some exercise,she saids

Yay,I said

I got out of bed and got some shoes on I wait for her to put pants and shoes on

Ok let's go now,she saids

I give her a kiss and I inter lock are fingers

We go to the beach and walk for a bit


This is really nice I love the beach I don't want to leave this place this place is awesome maybe I should move here when I'm older it's really nice and the houses here are to

We get done walking and we go back home

That was a long walk can we take a nap I'm tired,I said

Then I see Katie

Eva you sleep a lot,Katie saids laughing

She does,Anna saids

Whatever,I said

I'm making food want some,Katie saids

Nah I'm not hungry yet,I said

Okay you Anna,Katie saids

No I'm good,she saids

You look mad is everything okay did Sab reject you,Anna saids

No she said yes it's just that we got in a little argument,Katie saids

Thats how it is,Anna saids looking at me

Not you looking at Eva Anna,Katie saids

Just um talk to her or something I don't know that's what I do,Anna saids

What did you do when you and Sab would argue when you guys were dating obviously,Katie saids

I don't remember because we barely got in argument or fight so I don't know,Anna saids

Ooh okay,Katie saids

now i feel like sab and Anna were a good couple they barley fought me and Anna fight a lot i feel like im a bad girlfriend now I see why she broke up with me that time

(Sorry this is short I have school and I'm not home all day so I can't really work on them but I'll try to make them long anyways goodnight)

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