Are u okay

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I know yesterday we talked about what happened but all I'm doing is overthinking what if she cheats on my again I know I trusted her but after that I can't trust her i know I'm supposed to trust her but I can't

Does she really love me can I trust her will she cheat on my again why did this happen to me is she going to leave me why does she like me I say to myself

Eva is still sleeping I don't want her to see me like this I'm overthinking to much I can't life is so hard I just want to not be alive anymore I just want to jump of a cliff or something sometimes I just want to jump off a cliff to know how it feels but not hurt myself or die

Why is life so hard why can't I be happy why am I not a funny happy or energetic person I wish I hade a deferent personality

I don't know why Eva likes me I'm not funny I'm not a energetic person I don't really like to do things what does she see in me

I can't sleep because I'm overthinking I need to stop overthinking I need to go to my room I'm going to start crying soon and I don't want her to see me cry

I get up trying not to wake up Eva and go to my room

Maybe it was a bad idea to come to my room

What if she thinks I hate her because I left the room what if s-she

I start crying I heard someone flush the toilet in the bathroom across the hall way and I heard someone by my door I was still crying

*knock knock*

Come in,I said

Ooh it's Katie

She looks at me and noticed Tears on my face

She came up to me and sat dow with me and gave her a hug

What's wrong,she said

Overthinking,I say

You can tell me anything But if you don't want to that completely fine I just want to be here for you,she said

I don't want to talk about it but can you stay with me,I say crying

Yea of course,she said

I Started crying more

I don't know what's wrong but I know that it's going to be okay,she said wiping my tears off

I love you thanks for being here for me,I say

I love you too,she said

Now you need to sleep come on let's get to your bed,she said

Okay,I said

We got in bed and we cuddled I wasn't with Eva but cuddled with Katie still made me feel safe


I woke up in the middle of the night Anna Isn't in my room I'm really tired and I don't want to get up but I need to see if somethings wrong maybe she's in her room

I got up and went to her room she's cuddling
With Katie and there asleep

I know when she comes to her room she's mad or something happened I hope she's okay I'm going to ask her I'm the morning mean while I'll go to my room I need to use the restroom I go to the bathroom I look at the mirror

How does Anna like me like look at me I say to myself

I get out of the bathroom and go to bed

I really hope she's okay why didn't she wake me up tho I could've helped her of something I just wish she told me but she didn't

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