Double date

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I'm excited for this double date I wonder were we're going

After a while Katie got done changing

You look good,I said

Thanks,Katie said

Let's go,Sab said

Okay,I said

We got in the car Katie and Sab were in the front and me and Anna were in the back

We got to the place for the days it was fancy

Anna got out of the car first and opened the door for me she put her hand out so I can grab it and I got out of the car She gave me a kiss


This place is fancy We went inside

Wow,I said

Y'all like it,Sab said

Yea,we all said

We sat down and a waitress went up to us asked us what we wanted

We all told her what we wanted

And she walked away

Why do I think Sab looks hot I mean she is wait what do I like Sab that can't be I still have feelings for her I'm very confused I don't know

Sab looks at me

I'm proud of you,she saids

Why,I say

Look how far you have came you never gave up,she said

Because of you guys,I said

Without you guys I don't know were I would be right now,I said

I love you guys,I said

We love you too,Katie saids


Anna is looking at Sab a lot I don't know why

The waitress came back and gave us are food we all started eating are food

So are you guys good now or,Sab saids

I look at Anna because I don't know maybe we need a longer break yea we were good this morning but i don't know we always fight

She looks at me

Umm,Anna saids quietly

It's fine you don't have to say,Sab saids

Kinda,Anna saids fast

Yea kinda,I say

Oh nice,Sab saids

Umm Anna we need to talk when we get home,I said

Umm okay,she saids

Did I do something,she said

No you didn't we just need to talk,I said

Oh okay yea we can talk when we get home,she saids worried

We all got done eating are food and we all talked for a bit till I see Connor I'm so mad at him

Ooh hey Eva,he saids

Hey Connor,I say

Long time no see,he saids

I just want to punch him my face was turning red because I was so mad

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