Dont know what to call this one 😂

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I told Eva I kissed Sab I feel really bad I didn't want to hurt her feelings none of this would of happened if Katie was here being locked in a room made me realize I have feelings for Sab being her all week she comforted me she made me laugh she made me smile I'm scared what Eva is going to do when I get out of my room I can't stay in here forever Sab was on her phone
I want Red Bull l,I said

We have no more Red Bull,Sab said

I don't want to go Down stairs or anywhere but we need to get out of this room let's go to target and get some stuff,I said

Okay I don't have clothes tho and I don't want to go to my room,Sab said

Go to my closet and put some of my clothes on,I said

Okay your hoodies smell good anyways,Sab said giggling

Yours do to,I said giggling

She put on a hoodie and some ripped jeans

You look good in my clothes,I said

You look good to,Sab said

We brushed are teeth


I heard Anna and Sab getting ready I don't know if there going somewhere I heard them giggling I missed Anna's giggling

I went down stairs and made myself some break fast I didn't want to eat but I had to eat something Anna never broke up with me I never broke up with her I don't know what's happening anymore I need Katie to be here I need Anna I can't believe she kissed Sab Im just in pain how could she do that

I saw karina in the kitchen

Hey Karina,I said

Hey Eva have you seen Anna,karina said

No but I know she's in her room with Sab,I said

And your not mad that there in a room together by themselves,karina said

They have been in there for a week they haven't came out yet I heard them getting ready I dont know if there going anywhere tho,I said

Katie called me and asked me if everything was okay I don't know why she asked me,karina said

Ooh yea she's comeing back in 3 days I need her,I said

Why what's wrong you never need Katie you guys don't really get along nether that's weird what's wrong,karina said

It's Anna when Anna got home from takeing Katie to the airport she got home and went to her room then cooper broke up with Sab that's how Anna and Sab got in the same room for a week and Anna texted me and told me she kissed Sab, I said

What Katie leavening really did something didn't it I'm sorry that happened,karina said


We got done getting ready I heard karina and a Eva talking I didn't know what they were talking about tho

I'm scared, I said to Sab

Hey Anna it's going to be okay let's just get the keys and leave,Sab said

What if it's not going to be okay what if she yells at me I don't want to be yelled at right now,I said in fear

Look at me,Sab said

I looked at her in the eyes.

It's going to be okay I promise and if she yells at you just ignore her okay,Sab said

I l-love you, I said

I love you too,Sab said

I kissed her on the for head

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