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i Went down stairs i feel so bad i need to deside who i want to be with this is hard really hard now eva is crying in her room i want to go in there but i know shes going to ask me again and i dont want to make her cry more

hey are you okay,sab said

no,i said

whats wrong,sab asked

i need to make my desition i cant kep going back in forth,i said

hey its okay i just want you to be happy if you chose Eva im okay with that i just want YOU to be happy,sab said

thanks sab ily,i said

ily to now go tell her who you chose,sab said

b-but,i said

i know you want to chose her do it ill be happy for you,sab said

are u sure,i said

yess go do it shes already in pain you need to tell her,sab said

okay,i said

i went up stairs i started breathing really fast because i was scared i stayed at Evas door for a bit i took a deep breath and walked in her room she was crying i dont like seeing her like this i went up to her and wipped the tears of her face

hey look at me,i said

she looked at me i kissed her forhead and picked her up

who is it me or sab just tell me i wont be mad whoever you pick,she said

i was scared until i told her

look at me,i said
she looked at me

Eva i want you only you this was a very hard desisition Eva i want to be with you for the rest of my life and i know that i broke your heart last time but i wont this time i promise,i said

really,she said

yess really,i said

i looked at her and kissed her

will you be my girlfriend Eva?i said

yes,she said

i love you,i said

i love you too,she said

i wipped off all the tears she had on her face and we went down stairs

we sat down on the couch i put my hand on her thigh and i rested my head on her shoulder,


are you tired bby,i said

im very tired,Anna said

i picked Anna up and took her to her bed,

can we cuddle bub,Anna said

i would love that,i said

i kissed her

how are your lips getting so soft there starting to feel like sabs,i said

she gave me what she puts on her lips,Anna said

i felt Annas hand going up my shirt

do you want me to take my shirt of or something,i said

yea something like that,she said

i took of my shirt and i ony had a sports bra on she put her hand on my thigh and layed her head on my stomach

goodnight bubba i love u,she saids

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