Back to michigan

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I woke up to the main speakers being loud as fuck

Katie with her music shes annoying

I got up and took a shower I need to pack but I'll do that later I still have to tell the girls that I'm leaving

Also I think dev literally hates Eva when I come back I hope there friends or at least not hate each other

I went downstairs and all the girls are just doing random things Evas on her phone sabs cooking dev is playing fortnite and literally yelling at the game and Katie is playing Amung us with Karina there all doing something

Can you make me pancakes,I said

Sure,Sab said

Okay thanks,I said

I'm going to tell Katie I'm Leaving first

Katie can I talk to you,I said

No whore I'm playing amung us,she said

It's important,I said

Eva looked at me when I said that

Fine,Katie said

I pulled Katie's hand and took her out side

You can't tell the girls I mean I'm going to tell them later just not now,I said

Okay what,Katie said

Umm I'm going back to Michigan,I said

What,Katie said kinda loud

How long,she said

A couple of months or weeks,I said

What no you can't,Katie saids

It's better for me I need to go,I said

So your just going to leave us,Katie said

I'm sorry,I said

What about Eva you can't just leave her,Katie said

We're taking a break so we basically broke up,I said

I'm going to miss you,she said

I'll be gone for like maybe 5 or 6 months,I said

No please not that long please,she saids

I'm sorry Katie it's better for me,I say

Well when you telling the girls,she said

Later I'm telling Sab in a bit,I said

I have to pack tho,I said

I'll help you,she saids

Okay thanks,I say

We go back inside I go to my room to pack Katie helps me

It's been about 1 hour

I need to tell Sab now I don't know what she's going to say or do I'm just going to do it


Anna has been in her room almost all day she came down in the morning and she told Katie something and they both went upstairs

I mean she always tells Katie everything so it's not a surprise

Dev is literally yelling at the freaking game and it's so annoying

Can you stop yelling,I said

Make me whore,dev saids

Ughhh your so annoying,I said

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