Talking about the situation

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I woke up and thinking was it a good idea to break up to move on I mean I think it will be better for both of us

"Knock knock"
Anna:come in
Sab:hey good morning
Anna:good morning
Sab:how did you sleep
Anna:I didn't sleep I couldn't I was just thinking and thinking
Sab:was it because of Eva?
Anna:yea I'm so used to getting cuddled when I sleep that if Im not cuddling with someone I can't sleep this whole time we all haven't talked to each other I couldn't really sleep
Sab:what happened last night
Anna:I told her that we need to move on and she yelled at me
Sab:she came up to me and laid down(she just need time give her time then talk about it
Anna:what if she hates me forever
Sab:she won't I promise she just need time
Anna:your amazing
Sab:why I just want to help you
Anna:I love you sm
Sab:I love you too now you need sleep so you should rest
Anna:I c-
Sab:cuddle me how about now
Sab:try I'll be here till you wake up ok

I woke up with my hand on sabs thigh
I look at her and she looks at me I take my hand off
Anna:im sorry you could of moved it if you wanted
Sab:I didn't want to wake you up plus i don't care you needed to sleep
Anna:thanks for staying in here
Sab:whenever you need me to cuddle you just tell me
Anna:let's go eat I'm pretty hungry
Sab:what do you want
Anna:idk let's just go and see
Sab:okay should we ask the girls
Anna:yea I'll ask Katie you ask Eva
Sab:Ik you don't want to talk to eva but I think you should ask her not md
Anna:I'll try I guess I'll see you downstairs

Ik that we need to move on well I don't want to but she said it herself she wants to even tho it's going to be hard without her but I have to move on

Knock knock
Eva:come in
Anna:do want anything to eat um me and Sab are going to get food she was moving her fingers a lot
I went up to her I put my hands on hers so she would stop doing that
Eva:sure is Katie getting something
Anna:I don't know Sab went to go ask her
Eva:ooh okay well thanks for asking me
Anna:no problem
I took my hand on of hers
Anna:well ok I'll see you umm later
Eva:ok bye
Eva:wait-sorry I yelled at you yesterday
Anna:ooh yea Umm it's okay I guess Bye

We get the food and go home
Anna:should I take the food to her?
Anna:ok umm meet in my room?
Sab:sure I'll just give Katie her food and I'll go up there

I go upstairs and knock
Eva:come in
Anna:here's your food
Eva:thank you
I started moving my fingers I don't Know why but now when I see her I start getting nervous and mad
Eva puts her food down
She puts her hand on my hands she did this last time
Eva:calm down
Her touch calms me down
Anna:umm I got to go
Eva:wait do you want to eat with me
Anna:umm I would but I'm going to eat with Sab
Eva:ok she took her hands of mine
I got out of her room and went to mine
Sab:so what happened in there you took a while
Anna:ooh nothing she was asking if I wanted to eat with her
Sab:why didn't you say yes
Anna:because I was going to eat with you

I need to talk to her alone some how maybe tomorrow I just need to sleep even tho I can't sleep but I can try

Knock knock I wonder who it is
Eva:come in
Anna:Um hi
She started doing that thing with her fingers again
Eva:sit down
She sat down next to me
Anna:Sab told me to talk to you so I came
Eva:I want to talk to you too

her leg started shaking to I put my hand on her thigh she looks at my hand I scoot back she's still sitting in the corner of the bed

Eva:come her sit in front of me
Eva:give me your hand

She gives me it and I put her on her thigh and I put put my hand on top of hers

Anna:I'm sorry
Eva:for what
Anna:for what I said that night
Anna:I do care about you guys I do need you guys you guys made my life better not worst I don't know what I was thinking I was just mad
Eva:Ik you didn't mean it but those words hurt
Anna:I didn't mean it
Eva:hey it's okay I just don't want to talk about it anymore ok

I took my hand off of hers
Eva:do you think it's better
Anna:no but we need to move on it was a long time that we didn't talk and we did fight a lot do you really think we should be together
Eva:no but yes
Anna:Eva I-

She cut me off and kissed me
Eva:I need you
Anna:I need you to but
Eva:hey it's okay I get it but can we just think please
Anna:I'll think no we will think but for now we can see other people and whatever
Eva:but can we do this
She kisses me
Anna:you know what yea
I kiss her again we kiss for a while
Anna:I should get back to Sab
Eva:ok goodnight
Anna:goodnight I kiss her and leave

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