The Reborn

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  "I-Inuyasha... I-I would not m-make it... "KAGOME STAY ALIVE!!!" The terrified half demon held her up and fear that his beloved is dying in front of him like last time with kikyo when Naraku kill her. "MY KAGOME PLEASE STAY WITH ME!!!!!" "How foolish of me... He is still alive and he had weaken me and im dying..." Inuyasha thought... damn it. That bastard was supposed to be dead. How can he be back... DAMN IT!!!


  Kagome looked at him and give him a kiss. Inuyasha slowly cried of pain and sadness. Kagome has passed away. The villagers burn her body to become ashes. After that was done they buried her ashes in the grave. A special grave for a priestess. Inuyasha has disappeared and never came back.

Today...Marietta GA 2015

"EDITH!!! WAKE UP!!!" *yawn* I slowly looking at the time to see im not..."EEH!!! DAMN IT IMA BE LATE!!!" Hi my name is Edith Ramirez but Some people called me Lily. Im a senior with awesome friends. "Mom im ready to go now!" "Alright have a great time in school." I slam the door and ran to school. Great just great. Im going to be late for school and the teacher is going to say Edith or Lily why are you late...

" Sister Lily!!!" I stop and looked to see who called my name. It was my little brother, Giovanni. I came to his direction and wonder why he was standing next to the shrine. "Why are just standing there like a dummy? We are going to be late."I know big sis... but I left my book bag inside the shrine. "Why dont you get it?" As he looked over and started to shake in fear. I looked at the shrine and sigh. This is gonna be the last time I went in a dark place like this again. As I opened the shrine and it was dark. I walked in to look for his book bag.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

I turned to looked to see who is making the sound. That's odd I swear I heard something.... "Giovanni! Where's your sister? She is gonna make us late." Apparently my friends came here to drag my butt to school. "JESSENIA! DIANA! TAYLOR! I'M RIGHT HERE!" "Can't you believe the new principle gave us uniforms." "Yeah I know..." Our uniform were green and white shirt with a long sleeves including a red tie, and a short green skirt. Including a long clean white socks above the knees.


All of them scream except for me. I was curious about it. Who is making that sound? They are gonna be pay the day they ever met meet me..."AAH!" As I trip over something, I fell like a rock. "Oww... eh?" I pick up my little brother book bag and looked at it. It was cover with dirt. I stand in front of the well and about to walk to my little brother book bag.


The well was broken open while I felt a million arms touches me. My friends scream at me. "A DEMON! SOMEONE PLEASE SAVE EDITH!!!" I looked behind me with a lot of fear and terror. They were right a demon grabbing me. It was a hideous creature. How could this happen to me?  The creature pulled me down the well. While my friends and Giovanni tried to grab me but instead they grab my book bag. "EDIIIIITH!!!!!"

The creature looked at me and said in a creepy voice. "You have it don't you!" "LET ME GO, YOU CREEPY BITCH!" I act like I was tough but in the inside im scared and afraid what will happen to me. Somehow the demon flesh was restoring back together." You do have it! Give it to me! " I was ready to fight back. I lift my hand up and yelled at it. " YOU IDIOT I SAID TO LET ME GO!!!!!"

Suddenly my hand to glow like a pure pink light. It feels so warm and strong. The creature screeched in pain the arms came off and she fell down. The demon look at me with the full rage in its eyes.

"YOU CAN NOT HAVE IT! ITS MINE! THE JEWEL OF FOUR SOUL IS MINE! " Then it disappeared. I finally hit the ground. The Jewel of four souls?

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