I wanna see you... but I cant

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Everyone had a good time at the party except for me. I glazed out the beautiful lonely moonlight. I haven't said a word when I got here. My friends were chatting about what is going on with me. But I didn't care anymore. All I want to do who to believe in. I don't know if I can see him again but does pain cost even more pain. I cant allowed it again.  I just can't do it. I looked the red kimono. I told them I'll be back. I took the kimono as a pajamas. I went to the bathroom and locked it. I look around. No one is here so that is good to me. I undress myself. I put the kimono on me. I put another one on me. Half kimono of Inuyasha and half pajama pants. I came out to see what they say. "Oh Edith you looked beautiful. We shall sleep here with you. Except no boys allowed." "my little brother is still allowed in here no matter what..." Tylee got up and left to Juan side. I lied down and fell fast asleep. My little brother and My friends were talking. Cassandra looked at me. "Big sister..." "Poor Edith... Can you imagine how much pain she is feeling?"

Taylor looked down. "I'm getting this feeling that she lie to us." Diana looked at Taylor. "She would never lie to us." Jessenia looked out the window. "Edith and Inuyasha will never see each other again." "Will they ever see each other again? " Cassandra said to the rest. They all looked at me and worry how would would I live without him. I started to dream about Inuyasha. The flashbacks I had with him is in my dream.

~Inuyasha world~

"DAMN LET ME IN!" He pop out of the well and looked at it. He jump in again but nothing happens. "WORK DAMN IT!" He had jump in and out to see me like about 45 times. But it doesn't work. "WHY! WHY WONT YOU LET ME SEE HER!" He looked at once more. He sat down and lean against the well. "Lily I wanted to see you but the well is not connecting no more... " He raced to lady Kaeda. "LADY KAEDA!" But lady Kaeda wasn't here this time. She had gone into to help a person from being sick. "What's wrong Inuyasha?" Inuyasha turn around. "Miroku..." Miroku was one of his friend. He used to have a hole in his hand but he was cursed once again. "Naruko survive but lady Kagome died. " Inuyasha brought him to the well. He showed him what he did but it didn't work no more. Miroku understand what happen and why. He told Inuyasha to do it again. "I just show you!" "Inuyasha..." He had said it in a serious voice. "FINE!" He did it again.

"I see... Someone has put a spell on it. Once it seal you must find a way to break it." "Why me!?" "Tell me Inuyasha did you broke and hurt a girl heart?" Inuyasha stood there."Yes I have." "In the case you must find a way to to broken the spell." "Why do I break girls hearts?" "It's part of life. But you made them good at the end." "Now if you excuse me I'm going to find Sango and stroke her butt." Miroku have left and Inuyasha was laughing. "He never changed." So he went back to figure it out.

Our world is no longer connected to each other. I need to see her!

Miroku saw Sango and stroke her butt. She looked at him and smiled. "Hey Babe." "Hey love... Where's the kids?" "They are playing with shippo." Miroku looked to the path he have come from. Sango looked at Miroku. "What's wrong my love?" "Inuyasha has fallen into another girl..."

"How long they didnt see each other." "Yesterday..." They looked worry about Inuyasha. They knew how it's feels. They do anything for Inuyasha but he is the only one can go through the well... Or is it? They never knew they can try it. Can they break the spell I have sealed to keep Inuyasha out? "Let's go to bed." "Kids let's go to bed." "But mom..." "Your mother is right...Go to bed." Their kids went bed. Shippo went to bed with the kids. They all fell asleep to awaken tomorrow morning to help Inuyasha. Inuyasha gave up trying to go back. He decided to rest. He didn't care if his red kimono is missing. He left it in my room for me.

~Our world~

7 a.m. I got up to get ready for school. Including my friends. We got dressed and do whatever we need to do to get ready. I look at the kimono. Whatever... He wrecked me.... Why should I think about him? "Edith let's go."  "OK." We walk to school. "Edith do you feel ok?" I looked at Jessenia. "what do you mean?  Im fine." "Oh... you were talkimg in your sleep." "EH?!? I DID! I DIDN'T MEAN TO WAKE YOU UP!" They laugh at me. "What did I say?" " You were kept repeating......Inuyasha's name. " I looked at her and the rest. "Do I miss him?" "I think you do." I look up and started to think about Inuyasha. "EDITH!" I felt arms on both of my arms. They pulled me back. The car went fast and beep at me. I was so close to hit by a car. "YOU NEED TO BE MORE CAREFUL!!!" "......I think I miss Inuyasha....." " You think?!? You almost got ran over. The next thing you notice your gonna be a pancake." I looked at them. "I do miss him terribly." So we ran to school.

Inuyasha I miss you...

I wasn't paying attention in class at all. But I was looking down, drawing Inuyasha in my notebook. Tylee was looking at me. He saw a picture of Inuyasha.

Inuyasha... Inuyasha.... Inuyasha... "INUYASHA!!!!!!"

The teacher was looking at me. "Edith, my dear, are you okay? This is unusual for you?" "I-Im not feeling well, may I be excused from class?" She looked at her watch. "Well it's the last 3 mins in class... You may go home." I got up and left. All my friends looked at me. I ran down the hall with my arm over my eyes.


I didn't want to cry but I have to. Its bad to hold it in. I got home and put my stuff down. I went to my room. I lay down in my bed. My body was all over the place. I don't know what to do...

"Should I see him? Or I will never see him? Do I focused on my life?" "I don't know..."

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