Meeting Inuyasha's teammates

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It was a two days later that I saved Kate from commit suicide. I also heard that she is now dating David. They were a happy couple they could ever be. Me and Kate were friends, I introduced her to my other friends. But one person I never introduced to her was Inuyasha. All night I was thinking about him. I was wondering how was he doing? Did he miss me?  Did he actually figured out the spell but never came to me? Was he scared of my dark side?

  I will never know but Naruko was still after me... But I never seen anything strange yet. I shall look for him after school. No can stop me. I looked at Shippo. He is in the kitchen eating an apple. My mom entered in and scream. "AHH! WHAT IS THAT THING!?!" "UWAH! MOMMY!" I sign... Oops I forgot about introduced Shippo to my mom. "Mom.... Its not a thing... "

~Inuyasha world~

"ARG!!! DAMN IT LET ME IN!" It's been a couples of days. I still can't go back. Lily what else you want from me... Behind the bushes was Miroku and his lovely girl, Sango. Sango whisper to Miroku. "Who is this girl that Inuyasha speak of?" "I do not know my love..." Sango snapped and blush a lot. He felt a pair of hand group her butt. Miroku Now's not the time. Our friend is suffering of a girl. "Sango..." She look at him and question to him. "Yes Miroku?" "Where's Shippo?" They both snapped and yelled at his name. " SHIPPO-CHAN?!?!?!" Inuyasha stood up and looked at them.

"Where's Shippo?" He looked gloomy and fill with sadness. He didn't care if we are here... "Shippo Chan isn't here..." Inuyasha walk back to the village. " I will find him...tell the girl I'm sorry..." He went back to the village. They both look at each other with stress. They seen Inuyasha all day everyday. They bring food to him as well. They both came closer to the well and a voice came near them. "BIG SISTER!!!" Sango turn around with a smile on her. "KOHAKU!!!" Sango rushed to her little brother. Her little brother was her only family to her. They hugged."Sango why are you waiting?" Sango looked at the well. "Inuyasha couldn't go through the well.... Shippo is missing." Kohaku saw the face that his own sister make. He wanted to find Shippo but Sango told him to wait here near by the well.

"Okay big sister." He watched them both leave to find the little fox demon. They couldn't forget Inuyasha as well. Couple of hours later, Kohaku looked at the well and thought. What's in this well...nothing is important here. He looked even closer. His hand slip on the edge of the well and fell in. " WHOAH!!!" He thought he will break a bone in his body but a pure light has glow in the well once again. Sango and Miroku had came back. They notice something that is not right. Sango question about it. "Where's Kohaku?" It's been strange for a couple of days.

Inuyasha was struggling to see someone, Shippo was gone and now Kohaku. They left to find them both. Lady Kaeda never knew that Shippo was gone and Kohaku. She was too busy drinking her tea from a busy day. Inuyasha was back and still figuring out how to get in.

~Our world~

My mom was on the chair listening every word I said. "Shippo tooks you as a......mother?" "Yes I am." Shippo was sitting down coloring with my little brother. Juan just came back from his job. Janet was cleaning the home. I still don't know if I wanted to see Inuyasha or not. Before I can answer my thoughts, something disturb me. I looked outside to take a peek. I see this boy with a demon slayer clothes,he was carrying a sharp object,had a pony tail on him, same height as me, he had a mask on. I open the door and his force pushing the door has also push me away. "SHIPPO! WHERE IM I???" EH!?! ANOTHER PERSON FROM INUYASHA WORLD?!?!

I hide behind the door. He looked at my mom and siblings. My little brother doesn't know he is here. "Hey you three! Tell me where I'm I!" They didn't have responded back to him. "Tell me now!" He lift his blade up ready to attack. He looked a little young but looks a little like a teen. He looked confused and scared not knowing the other side if the world. "Do not be afraid... Your world and mine are connected." Shippo came out and yell out his name. "KOHAKU!" He leap into him telling him to stop. But he grabbed him to escape out. My little brother came down the stairs. "Juan?! Mom!? Janet?! Where's Dede?" No Giovanni go back.... Kohaku grabbed my little brother. He looked at the door. "HEY YOU! COME OUT NOW!"

I had no other choice. My bow and arrows are in my room. I came out slowly and revealed myself. He looked at me with his light brown eyes. He dropped my little brother and Shippo. Including his weapon. I was standing there waiting for him to say something at least. "K-Kagome......?" I nod my head no. I looked at him. "I am...the reincarnation of Kagome." He looked at Shippo. "Is this true? She is the reincarnation of Kagome?" "Yes... She is my mom." He slowly closed his eyes and lean forward to me. I grabbed him with my arms.

I was holding him like if I was hugging him. He was still breathing but I looked at once again. He had pass out in my arms. Juan pick him up and put him in my bed. I told him I'll be in my room with him. They looked concerned but they let me in. Shippo was on my shoulder. Its getting dark outside side. I was doing my homework. Shippo looked at him. He haven't open his eyes. I told Shippo to bring food. So he left to the kitchen. "Still not awaken yet..." I took a break from my homework. So I decided to do something. I started to sing a song. Its call Cascada Bad Boy.

Remember the feelings, remember the day
My stone heart was breaking
My love ran away
This moments I knew I would be someone else
My love turned around and I fell
Be my bad boy, be my man
Be my week-end lover
But don't be my friend
You can be my bad boy
But understand
That I don't need you in my life again
Won't you be my bad boy, be my man
Be my week-end lover
But don't be my friend
You can be my bad boy
But understand
That I don't need you again
No I don't need you again

You once made this promise
To stay by my side
But after some time you just pushed me aside
You never thought that a girl could be strong
Now I'll show you how to go on

Be my bad boy, be my man
Be my week-end lover
But don't be my friend
You can be my bad boy
But understand
That I don't need you in my life again

Won't you be my bad boy, be my man
Be my week-end lover
But don't be my friend
You can be my bad boy
But understand
That I don't need you again
No I don't need you again

  I felt a pull in my hair. I looked to the left. It was Kohaku. He was playing with my hair. "What is your name... ?" "My name is Edith but you can call me Lily." "Edith or Lily.... I shall name you Lily. Because thats a nice nickname." "Thank you...Ummm... Kohaku?" "Yes..." "I'm sorry that I grabbed your little brother and insulting your family." "No it's okay... I understand." He looked at me. He wanted to say something but what? "Are you the one that Inuyasha speak of?" I blush and struggling to talk. "I-i...... Ummm....Uhhh..." I clear my throat and tried to answer. "Y-yes I am." "He misses you.... Terribly. He always been in the well trying to get back.

I blushed even more. Its like I couldn't breathe. Shippo came running. "MOMMY! WE HAVE MORE PEOPLE HERE!" "EH!?! FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD?!?" "But they are my friends." I grabbed my bow and arrows. I told my family to hide safe. They did what I asked them to do. They were downstairs. I can hear them. "I never knew it was the other side of the world." It sounds like a girl. "Are they pretty girls here?" SMACK! Ouch.... That's sounds painful. "Ouch! My love I'm playing."
I slip on the sock and landed on my face.

"A GIRL!" The guy had said it. He lean down and looked at me. He stroke my butt. Sango made a derpy face. I got up with a red face. "EEK! YOU PERV!" I slap him across the check. "K-KAGOME!? IM SO SORRY!!!" "IM NOT KAGOME! I AM EDITH BUT YOU CAN CALL ME LILY! " Sango hit him with her boomerang with which awfully big. "I'm sorry Lily but my man is a pervert that can not stop groping women's butt. Its the way his old friend tell him." "I understand... Uhh..." "I'm Sango and that's Miroku."

"Big sister ?" Sango had a big smile and yelled at his name. "KOHAKU!!!!" They came running and hugged each other. Shippo came down and Miroku hugged him. "MOMMY HAD WATCH OVER US!" "Mommy? Who's your mom?" "I am." They looked at me. "So your the new reincarnation of Kagome?" I nodded to Sango. "So your the one that Inuyasha can't see you. But why?" I looked at them. My family came down. "Edith is everything alright?" I introduced my family with my new friends. So we all sat in the living room. I was telling what was happening.

The reason why I had put a spell that lead Inuyasha not to see me.

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