Goodbye Stage Fright

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I woke up and got ready to leave. I need to face my fears. But I hope I don't chicken out. I got my dress on. It's is light blue with a cute pink belt with small flowers around it. I curl my hair and put on the red lip gloss. I spray some perfume and left to eat something. Today it's a long day for me to practice it. It's time to face my fear. My family already has the tickets and extra for Sango, Miroku, Shippo and Kohaku. I looked at them and wave at them. "I'LL SEE YALL TONIGHT!!!" They wave back with a happy smile on their face. I ran with friends because we wanted to be there early.

My family notice something including Inuyasha's teammates. "Where's Juan and Shippo?" They looked at each other. We came running to school. When we got there we need to catch our breath and help me practice on the stage. I was shaking and started to feel a knot on my stomach. I close my eyes and take a deep a breath. I started to sing but then I see my nightmare come true. It was Richard. He came to get me back. Which I never will be. "BABE IM HERE!" I gave him a glare in the eyes. "WHOS SAY IM YOURS!?!" My friends throw things at him but he walked away. "I'm going to be watching you in the talent show, beautiful." Nooo! Not today! Now I have to worry about this too! Oh what to do what to do...

I look at my friends and had a trouble time to sing. "Ugh that bastard..." "He made Edith really scared of it and making her impossible to sing. I heard what are they saying and I got more worried. Stop... making me worry....about it. I told them I need a break so I ran to the bathroom. While I was running, tears came. I can do this... I can do it... Stop crying me.... I said... "I CAN DO THIS!" I punch the wall so hard that I made my knuckles bleed. "LILY STOP HURTING YOURSELF!!!" I felt arms around me. It was Miroku. "Why.... Did you follow me?" "Ummm.... Because I need to support you. So you can get ride of your stage fright."

I stared at the wall. "Stop it..." "Stop what?" "You.... Your stroking my butt..." He looked down and put his hands away. "Hehe yeah I cant stop stroking women's butt even though I have a love one with me. " "You got that right, pervert...." Miroku pick me up and carry me to the nurse. "It's only my knuckles! There's no need to carry me!" "Well it's better that way." The nurse wasn't there so he put me on the bed. He grab some bandages and sat next to me. He put alcohol on my knuckles. I close my eyes tightly. "Nng...." It burn so bad that I wanna cry out my pain. He wrapped up my knuckles.

"Almost there....there....and.....Done." I looked at my hand and smile. "It doesn't hurt no more." I hugged him tightly. He hugged me back. He's not a pervert all the time. Im okay with that......... EH!? I Felt Miroku hands again. "STO..." WHACK! Miroku put his head down on my chest. He grab his head. "OW! WHO THE...?!" "It's me my beloved pervert..." Miroku put his down on my chest and hugged. He's like a child filled up with fear in his eyes. "SANGO MY LOVE!" They were talking to each other. I couldn't get up because Miroku was still on me. He got off of me. They both went to the stage.

It was 8 p.m. that I was practicing. It was time to do the show. My friends told me I was ready to sing. But I'm still afraid. I looked at through the certain. I saw a guy doing so well with his rapping skills. After him, it was the girl who dance pretty well. "Up next it is Edith R!" Everyone cheered but I noticed a guy in a long coat in light brown. He was standing near to my family. I was ready to sing. My heart pounded so heard. I took a breath. "Ummm.... The song I'm singing is.... Miracle by cascada." Everyone was quite and I started to sing.

Boy meets girl
You were my dream, my world
But i was blind
You cheated on me from behind
So on my own
I feel so all alone
Though I know it's true
I'm still in love with you

I need a miracle
I wanna be your girl
Give me a chance to see
That you are made for me
I need a miracle
Please let me be your girl
One day you'll see it can happen to me
I need a miracle
I wanna be your girl
Give me a chance to see
That you are made for me
I need a miracle
Please let me be your girl
One day you'll see it can happen to me
It can happen to me

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