The Suprise plan

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I wrapped my arms around this guy. I was crying so hard. It was the hardest cries I ever did. "It's ok Lily... Im here... Im glad im back." He wrapped his arms around me. I yelled at his name with joy. "I-Inuyasha!!! Im sorry!" Inuyasha has smile and squeeze me tightly. "Lily... I miss you terribly. Im sorry too." The crowd were howling, whistling, yelling at us. "AWWWWW!!!!" I blushed and bury my face on his chest. His scent, hugs, talk... Everything I miss everything about him. Until I  heard the word that made me jump. "KISS HER, KISS HER, KISS HER!" I looked at them and I was shaking my head no. It's embarrassing to kiss in entire school with students and parents.

EH!? I CANT!!! KAGOME WILL BE MAD AT US! WHAT IM I GOING TO DO! "....Kiss him....Lily" EH!? KAGOME!?  " Kiss him...." But I cant your gonna be anger and jealous. If I do will you start being mad at me!? "I won't as long as y'all are happy... I am to."  I don't know... "Kiss him or he kiss you..." I said I cant.... Wait... What?

Inuyasha put his lips on mine..... And heres me frozen. My face was red hot as the sun. My blushing makes me having a sun burn... My friends were howling at us. Not only them including everyone. He pulled his lips away from mine. I stand there with a red face. I put my hands on my checks and thought. H-h-h-he K-k-k-kissed m-m-m-me!!! He hugged me and say something special to me. "Lily.... I.... I.... I love you." I put head down on my chest and I say my words. "Inuyasha.... I need to tell you something..." I looked at him and I kiss him back. He blushed more than me.

"I love you too... Inuyasha. " When I looked at the crowd. They have video tape us. I smiled and Inuyasha was hugging right behind me. The show was over, so we clean up the theater. We say goodbye and went home. While we are walking, Shippo and everyone laugh. "What's so funny Shippo?" "Well im the one who set up this whole plan up." "YOU PUNK!!! ..." "YAAAA!!! Wait Inuyasha let me explain!!!" Sango and Miroku grab Inuyasha. Im holding Inuyasha. Shippo sat down and talk about it.

~Shippo's flashbacks~

I was in the classroom with my mom. I was hiding from the people because they never seen me before.  I listen the whole class what's love is.  So I started to investigate the place. But then groups of kids that skip class and charge into me. I ran quickly as fast as I could. But the I got lost. So I was passing by looking for my mom. Until I heard a group of cute girls. They were talking about the talent show. So I was wondering about it. So later I heard this boy explained what the talent show in the library. I was happy that I heard. But then a spark light up my head. If I could put Inuyasha and my mom in the stage. They will both be happy. So I quickly left the library. I was looking the place to sign them up.

I looked almost everywhere. But the embarrassing part was I'm in the girls bathroom. They thought I was a squirrel. When I almost gave up, I saw the papers to sign y'all up. I took my crayon and wrote y'all names down. One of my mom friends came and took the paper. She was heading straight to the theater so I followed. I saw you cover in paint. "EDITH YOU ARE GONNA PERFORM TOMORROW NIGHT!" "EH!? WHAT!? I DIDN'T WROTE MY NAME!?" It was funny that you were panicking. I ran home and put the tickets on the table. When you came home you were stressed out. It's was the best choice though.

You and Inuyasha must see each other once again. I've seen y'all missing each other and I hate seeing y'all miserable. So that's why I set this all up.  Just to see you two together side by side. One happy couple.

~Shippo's flashbacks done~

We all looked at Shippo with amazement. I hugged Shippo and kiss him in the cheek. "AWW THANK YOU SHIPPO!!! I LOVE YOU!" "I LOVE YOU TOO MAMA!" Inuyasha was staring at us. "Ummm.... What just happen?" "Lily is my new mommy." "Sooo if I'm going out with Lily... Then your.... ARE MY SON!?!" " hmm I guess so." "OH GOD NO!" Inuyasha looked at him. "So do I call you daddy?" "Not in million years Shippo." Inuyasha kiss my cheek. "So babe... Wanna go out tomorrow. "Sure my love. " We got home and got ready to sleep.

"Hehehe... It's almost time for your nightmares to began... Inuyasha..." We cuddle in our sleep. Inuyasha played with my hair for a bit. But he slept anyway. It was the happy time in our life.

Yo I'm sorry that this is short but I'm still running out of ideas here. So I promised next time that I will make it longer. ;3 ok? Kk... Please let me know if I spell something wrong so I can fixed it right. Please comment or vote. Thank you!!! (♡˙︶˙♡)

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