Getting Ready For Talent Show

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It was midnight since I was telling my story. They give me alot advice about seeing him. But I refuse. I wanted too but my heart has needles in them. I am the bird in the cage. It was time for bed for us. Miroku and Kohaku slept at my brother room. Sango slept at Janet room. I slept at my room with Shippo. It was time for school so I got up with a messy hair. I went to take a shower. Shippo snuck out of the room. He went outside to the well. He jump inside the well. A pure light glow. But how can it possible to let them to my world? Maybe the well is broken...or its Naruko who did something to the well. Perhaps my spell had done it. I was done with my shower  so I got ready. Then I left for school with my friends.

~Inuyasha world~

Inuyasha has been staring at the well for an hour. But then Shippo came out of the well. "SHIPPO BUT HOW CAN YOU COULD GO WITH HER!?!" "Who Lily? She's my mom." Inuyasha gave him a derpy face. He hit him in the head. "WHAAA! WHAT DO YOU DO THAT FOR, IDIOT!" Inuyasha hasn't said a word and looked at the well once again. "Oh you miss Lily that bad...?" He still had a piece of paper and a blue crayon. He gave them to Inuyasha. Inuyasha question about it. "What's is this?" "You write down how much you feel sorry for her."

Inuyasha looked down and write how much sorry for me. Shippo took out a lollipop that I gave him. He unwrapped it and put it in his mouth. It was sweet watermelon. It took an hour for Inuyasha to write. He gave the note to Shippo. He told him to wait there. He left to get something. Shippo was reading the letter. He was still learning how to read. But he got it now.  The letter sounds nice to him. Inuyasha came back and gave him the rose. He looked to the left with little blushies. "Inuyasha has finally revealed his soft side." Inuyasha had growl at him. Shippo got scared and went inside the well. The light shine while Inuyasha was waiting for him.

~our world ~

I was at school already. We were doing a talent show. We were busy for the past couples of days. I was gonna do the design but then the news came up. "EDITH YOU ARE GONNA PERFORM TOMORROW TONIGHT!" Kate came rushing with a piece of paper in her hand. "W-WHAT!?!" "Edith your gonna perform?" Jessenia came with paint in her face. All my friends came asking me what I'm I going to perform. "Oh wait there's another name.... Inuy-ashaly???" "Ummm.... his name is Inuyasha..." "Who is he? I wanna meet him." I blush and struggling to say the words. "EH! I-I... I-I-I...." My friends came behind and yelled out the answer to her. "YES SHE WOULD!" I turn at them. "W-WHAT!?!" " CANT WAIT TO SEE HIM!" She left with a list of people that we wrote on... Wait.... I didn't write my name in it. And Inuyasha couldn't write it either. Who added our name?

While my friends were helping me what song I should sing. Shippo came out. I hope this plan worked. He left the rose and letter on my room. He quickly left. He laughed with happiness. "I hope she gonna perform tonight." I went home and fell down on my bed. Sango was looking at me. "Edith? Why do you look stress out?" She pat her lap so I can lie down on it. I lied my head down and started to talk. "I have a talent show..." "Oh that doesn't seem that bad..." "I have a stage fright and Inuyasha name on it." "Oh dear. That ain't good." "Why Did you wrote it them?" "I didnt do it... Someone else did."

"Ohhhh.... Inuyasha will come. You must tell him." "It's hard but I'll try." "That's good.... Now go eat." I got up and left to eat. Im going to fail this show. I cant get ride of my stage fright. Juan came in the shrine and look at the well. Shippo pop out of the well. "Shippo what are you doing there?" "Inuyasha wants to see her so badly... But the spell won't break free. "Oh I know how to." He looked Juan. "Do it. Lily and Inuyasha must unite again." Juan came close to the well and try to unlock the well. Shippo said they must tell him. But Juan doesn't know if he can. Shippo push him and he fell in. Shippo follow him.  A pure light has shine again.

I was so busy to figure out a song until Miroku came. "Please don't stroke my butt." "I'm not." Maybe if my love doesn't see it. He grin at me. "o-oh ok." He gave me a music sheet. I looked at it and I was happy. I hugged him and then I felt a hand at the bottom of my back. "...YAAAA!!!" I blush and my sister, Janet, came and slap him. "TOUCH MY SISTER AGAIN AND YOUR DEAD MEAT LITTLE MAN!!!" He left while my sister was chasing him. I looked at the song and started to sing it. No one must here it until talent show. "Lily I found a note in your bed." Kohaku came with a note and a rose. I looked at the note and blush.

Dear Lily,
Im truly sorry across my heart and soul. I didn't mean to hurt you with the truth. But I wanted to see you again. I miss you. I never mean it.... Im sorry.....

I put my hands on my face. My hair was in front of my face. H-HE APOLOGIZE TO ME! WHAT  DO I DO!?!  I gave a deep breath and sing in front of Kohaku. He was standing there looking at me. "That's sounds pretty good." I hugged him. He had a little blushies so he hug me back. I was still singing to him while he was hugging me. It was a long day for me. Tomorrow was a big day for me. I collapsed in bed motionless. I was fast asleep without a word. All I know is I need plenty of rest. "Inuy...asha..." I roll over. I hear someone came to my room and came into my bed.

Hey you guys!!!ヾ(¯∇ ̄๑) I'm sorry if it's short but I need more ideas. It will take me awhile or more to think. But thank you for reading my book. Please vote or comments. *make sure I don't spell something wrong*

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