Saving a life or the jewel

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I tried to regain my body again. But my body won't obey me. I looked at my little brother. He was on the floor motionless. I want to save him but how. Someone please save me... But not now... Please save my little brother... Naruko stop playing the leaf. I had fell to the ground. My eyes and body was obeying me. I ran to my little brother and hold him to my arms. "LITTLE BROTHER!!! GIOVANNI!? WAKE UP! WAKE UP!!!" I felt hands behind me and heard his voice. "Hehehe do you wish to save your brother?" I slap him across the face and yell at him.

"DONT YOU DARE TOUCH ME! LEAVE HIM OUT OF THIS!" He grabbed my throat and lift me up. "You had the chance... Now he can die..." He realised miasma to my little brother. I screamed at him to stop. "IDIOT NO! !!" Suddenly my little brother was glowing. I looked at him and smile. "KAGOME!!!" Kagome soul was putting a barrier for Giovanni. "Damn you!" He looked at me with his evil grin. He's not the only victim I have.... He played the leaf once more. "Ugh..." My eyes were red again. No leave me alone! I looked at Giovanni and walk forward to him.

Giovanni was awake and looked at me. "Big sister?" Kagome soul wrapped around him. "Do not move... This barrier should hold you save..." I used my spiritual powers to force myself in. What does he want me to do... "SHUT UP KAGOME!!! NOW DIE GIOVANNI!!!!!" My claws went in and destroyed the barrier. Kagome soul was separate them. I laughed so evil. "BIG SISTER! ITS ME! YOUR LITTLE BROTHER!" I smack him with my claws. He froze there. "Big sister..." Little brother... His cheek was pouring in blood. I chuckled with joy.

"HAHAHA!!!! DIEEEEE!" My little brother ran all the way downstairs. Run far away little brother... He was chased by demons. "WHERE YOU GOING LITTLE BOY?!" My little brother screamed for help. He trip and fell down the stairs. "UWAAAHH!!!" He fell out in the open window. He passed out and he fell on something soft. "I GOT HIM!" It was Shippo, he had transformed to save him. "Good work Shippo. " My family and grabbed my little brother to safety. "WHERE'S MY DAUGHTER!?" "LILY!" Sango attack the demon. "Grr... ALL OF YOU GET TO SAFETY!!! UGH!" The demon has attack Sango in the other side.

She flew to the left building. She collapsed to the ground. The demon came towards her. "SANGO!!!" Miruko whack the demon away from her. "Sango, my love, are you ok?!" "I am now, love, hurry we must save Lily." So they kept fighting. My family and friends were somewhere safe from danger. Giovanni hasn't awaken yet. They heard a slam on the door. The demons were trying to get in. Juan and Tylee hold the doors up. They are trying to prevent them from getting in. Diana looked around. Kohaku was slaying the demons to stop them to get in. "Where's Shippo?" Inuyasha was running to the top. Somehow the demons weren't chasing him.

"I have a bad feeling about this." When he got there, I was standing in front of him with the red eyes. I glared at him. He walked slowly towards me. I flew in front of him and my claws went through his arm. "Lily... Don't listen to him." "shut up... Your nightmares will appear now." The red shell fell off my forehead. I landed on the floor. Inuyasha was about to catch me but Naruko tentacle grabbed him. "WHAT!?!" His tentacles were wrapped around me. He put me on the edge. "What the hell are you doing to her!" Naruko appeared and grin.

"My oh my.... What choice shall you choose..." He held out the Shikon jewel in the other hand. The Shikon jewel!?  He growl at him. "Choose wisely Inuyasha... If you dare choose Lily, I shall use the jewel to destroy this world and your world. If you choose the Jewel... Lily shall be thrown off the edge to die. Choose Inuyasha...." "WHAT IF I DON'T!?" "I shall do both of them." He glared at him and growl even louder. "DAMN YOU NARUKO!!!" "HAHAHA!!! NO ONE CAN SABE HER OR THE PEOPLE!" Inuyasha was thinking about it. I wanted to save Lily but the jewel and people will be in danger. But if I choose the jewel she will die and I wont make it in time to save her. But if I don't everyone will be in danger...GRRR!!! WHAT TO CHOOSE!!!!

"DAMN WHICH TO CHOOSE!" But Lily.... She is my Shikon jewel. Shippo sneak behind Naruko. He leaped and grabbed the Shikon jewel. "WHAT!?" "HA! No one touch my mother things!" "Grr ...DAMN YOU, KIDS!" Inuyasha yelled at him. "HES NOT A KID! HE IS MY SON!" He ran forward to him. Naruko was pierced through in his heart. "Nng...! Damn... You..." He looked at me and realised me. I had fallen off the edge. Inuyasha was yelling my name and separate his heart away from Naruko body. Naruko has fell in a pool of blood. His body has disappeared forever. Inuyasha has killed him for good.

Inuyasha looked at the edge and saw me disappear. He ran down and Shippo ran too. When they got there... There's were no sign of me. My body wasn't there. The demons has disappeared forever. Inuyasha looked down and started to punch the ground. "DAMN IT! DAMN IT! DAMN IT!!!!" Shippo was crying my name. Inuyasha hugged him. Until he heard a sound. "Mew..." He looked up and has a huge smile in his face. He called out the name of this friendly demon. "KIRARA!!!" She purr at me and lay a body down. Inuyasha held the body and hugged it.

My family and friends cell running. They saw us. "LILY!!!!!!!!!!!!! " i wasn't hurt but have bruises from Naruko. "Good work Kirara!" I open my eyes slowly and saw everyone around me. I smile at them. I got up and looked at Inuyasha. He was cover in blood. "Lily..." He got down on the knees and he gotten out a small box. I looked at him. "Lily.... Will you marry me. " I blushed and cry of tears of joy. "YES! I WILL MARRY YOU!" He put my ring on. He kiss me and I kiss him back. Everyone cheer at us.

Thank you.... Kagome

~A year later~

Everything were rebuilt and fixed. The well was a portal to our world and Inuyasha. Naruko was finally defeated and Kagome was saved. My family were happy. Including my friends. Tylee and Taylor were broken up. They decided to be friends instead. I also heard that Kate and David were getting married. Inuyasha and I were married. Shippo is now our son. Everything was fine.

It was a happy ending for all of us.

Yo! I finally finished this book! I was trying to finished it so I can make another one. I hope this is good. Thank you for having this adventure with me. Please vote or comments about it. Make sure that I don't spell nothing wrong. K? Ok?
THANK YOU!!!!!!(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
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