The New Priestess

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What is "The Jewel of four souls?" After that hideous creature took me down the well I finally made it to the ground. I looked up.... sunlight? YES it has to be! After that long fall, my Family and friends were probably worry sick about me... friends... "OH CRAP I HAVE STILL HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL!" I climbed up the well and hoping that my friends are still there. Please be there...

As I made it up to surface, I came out and smile. Yay! I made it out the birds are chirping, I see the sun....."WHERE'S THE SHRINE!!!" I looked everywhere. "Im outside b-but HOW?!?!" I was walking straight forward to see if there are help out there. I looked everywhere and there's are no sight of help. I started to feel lonely and sad wondering how did this happen to me and im a able to see my family and friends again? Do they miss me? Are they gonna find me?

Until I saw smoke, a smile had grown in my face. I raced and followed the smoke. I know when there are smoke it could lead me to help. As I ran, I felt that something is following me. I stop and turned to looked but no one there. I puzzled and raced forward once again. " Hey! Can someone please help me! A demon had taken me down the well and I do not know where am I!"

As I got there my smile started to fade away. Something wasn't right. I gasp and ran as quickly as possible. The village its under attack!  When I got there the men on horses are killing everyone. I saw blood everywhere, people were running away. I step back and I turned to make an escape. "Hey you! Where are you going cutie!" He grabbed my arm on a strong grip. "LET ME GO!!!" I repeat it over and over. But he wouldn't let go. Another men stand right behind me and flipped my skirt. I turn red and anger. "YOU PERVERT!!! HAVE RESPECT FOR GIRLS!!!"

His cheek turn red and started to swollen a bit. "TIE HER UP, MEN!" "UGH!" I was pushed down to the ground all tied up. Before they put me on a horse. I heard a rustle in the bushes.

One of the men grab my face and looked straight to me in the eyes." One kiss before we go." He had a small smirk in his face. Before I could yelled something caught my eye. The creature was heading towards to me. "Let me out!" But its was all ready to late. It bite me in the right side of my waist. The demon throw me in the air. Suddenly an object came out of my body. I fell to the ground hard with the jewel. " The Jewel of four souls?.... oh ow!" "Yes the jewel is here!" Then it came to attack me. "IRON REVERSE SOUL STEALER!" My eyes were open wide a miracle came to save me. A half demon slice the demon in half. It was too much terrified and relieve for me but I passed out.

He looked at me and carry me. He ran away with me and the jewel. The mens ride their horse and chase after us. I was helpless so helpless that I didn't ran with my feet. My eyes were close somehow he had a grip onto me. I relieved that someone came to save me. The half breed put me slowly and looked at the mens.

" You Bastard! How dare you touch Kagome! You are gonna pay for this!" Kagome? Who is this Kagome? Im I related to her? DO I LOOK LIKE HER?!?  I tried to open my eyes but I was fill of terror. I heard the man scream in pain and the horses too. I can hear the half breed say random things about this Kagome. But he stop and looked at me. I was laying in the floor motionless. My eyes were still closed without any movement at all. "This scent.... it's not Kagome.....It's a reincarnation." Did he just smell me? But I fallen into a deep sleep. It was the strangest,terrified and the weirdest day I ever had.

  The sun was down and a peaceful sound came in. I was rolling over and over. My waist was wounded by the demon who had bitten me to get the freakin jewel out. "Mmm..." I slowly awakening. I was near by the well. I stood up and felt something on me. A red kimono was on top of me. A red kimono.... OMG IM SO STUPID! HE SAVE ME AND HE KEPT ME WARM! HE PROBABLY BE SHIRTLESS BY NOW! I put on the kimono and I felt something on my neck. It was the jewel of four souls. "What's going on? Why do I have it? I had no need for this." " Oh but you do need it..." NO MORE YOU IDIOT." Who is there?!?" I was started to feel scared even more. Its like my soul was ready to burst out of my body.

An old lady dress like a priestess. And it was a very old lady I ever seen. She came out of the forest. "My name is Lady Kaeda." She stare at me with the wrinkling eyes well at least one of them. She had an eye patch in her left eye. But somehow she remains me of a pirate an old one. "Hear me child did that demon take out the jewel within your body?" "Umm... yes Lady Kaeda." "Tell me child... what is your name?" "Edith."

"Eat it? That's a strange name." I gave her a stupid face. Not even her can't say my name right. Some people in these days. "Yes it's E-D-I-T-H..... or you can called me Lily."

"Lily... my child...." I waited to see what's is she going to say. And finally she said it.

"You are the reborn of a priestess name Kagome. And you are born to protect the jewel.... The New Priestess is you, Lily"

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