Illusion of the past

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I woke up my little brother. I told him to find our way back. We pack up and move forward. Its three days that we are missing. No one found us. But I wonder do they bother to make a missing reports. I told my mom about it but I guess she forgets. Back on my way home, Inuyasha was getting more pissed of for not finding us. He later decided to walk to the forest. So he did. FUCKIN IDIOT KIDNAPPED HER LITTLE BROTHER. HE BETTER NOT HARM THEM. He stormed off not knowing where he was going. He notices something on the floor. He saw a sharp rock with blood on it. He picked it up with his claws. He sniffed up the scent and he realize that it was my blood. He picked up my scent and chase after us.

I looked everywhere but we just went around a circle. My little brother was tired so we decided to take a break. We were chatting about how are we gonna get home. Until a dark fog came in. "Big sister..." "Stay behind me... " I grabbed the bow and arrows. Until something caught my eye. I saw a figure in a far distance. I chase after it. My little brother Chase as well. We saw a home... "It's our old home..." We walked in and saw myself as a little girl. Its seem that no one can see us. "Big sister is that you as a little girl?" She didn't we were talking. "Yeah it's me... You were just a baby. You didn't know much about him." "Him?" SLAM! I heard a door slam. The man was dad. I saw him carrying my mom. He pushed her in the closet yelling at her. I remember every fight but this one is my worst nightmare of all.

I could see my mom crying begging for him to stop. He lift her up and tossed her in the ground. I finally snap. "NO STOP IT!!! PLEASE DON'T HURT HER!!! CAN YOU HEAR ME!!! STOP IT!!! " He grabbed her throat and started to punch her. He did it over and over again. "ENOUGH!!!" I saw myself coming in the door seeing her in pain. I couldn't do anything. I was useless. I was so useless back then. But then I started to help people. I heard myself crying and yelling. "PAPA! DONT YOU LOVE MAMA!?! WHY ARE YOY HURTING HER! PLEASE STOP IT!" He looked at me with full rage of anger. He yelled at me. He had had something that I will never forget. " LILY I HATE YOU! I NEVER LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOUR OTHER SIBLINGS!" I looked at myself. I cried terribly even the past me. We looked at him at the same time. We yelled at him at the same time." PAPA! WHY DON'T YOU LIKE ME! I DID EVERYTHING YOU ASKED ME TO! WHAT DID I DO WRONG!?!" My little brother kept telling me it was a trick.

But it was no trick for me. It was a nightmare being in this horrible nightmare and there's is no escape. I felt an arrow stab my heart so bad. My eyes was filled with tears like a waterfall. My body tremble with fear. " ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" We can not escape from the nightmare.... Naruko appeared next to our bodies. He looked me. We were tied up with the roots around us. "Yes suffer the fear you had within you. I shall take you and the Shikon jewel." He saw me crying in blood. "Hehe that's right Lily cry as much as you can... No one can save you now. You can not escape your fear." He looked at my neck and took the Shikon jewel. It had vanished into his flesh. He regain his strength. "HAHAHA YOU HAVE FAIL YOUR MISSION! NOW I SHALL PUNISH YOU!" He pull out a little white shell. He placed it on my forehead but it flashed off. The shell flew into a tree and crashed it.

"You think you can stop me... I doubt it you will." He realised a demon out of his body. He slice it in half and it made a horrible sound. The blood was splattered everywhere. He took another shell and place it on the blood. It had changed color. It has turned red because of the demon blood has been absorbed it. It started to glow darker. He came up to me and place it my forehead again. It went into my flesh and disappear. I started to  awaken from the terrible nightmare I had. I saw myself crying of blood. Naruko was standing in front of me with the Shikon jewel. "GIVE ME BACK THE SHIKON JEWEL!" " What's of the point of it. Inuyasha came here to get the jewel. He was protecting the jewel. Kaeda sent him here because she knew you won't go back to their world." "Inuyasha protect the jewel.... And not me...?" He pick up my chin. "That's right Lily... Cry if you must. Therefore I am telling the truth."

"Inuyasha... No..." "NOOOO!!! STOP IT! NO MORE TORCHER! I NEED PROOF!" The roots has collapsed and we fell down. I was on my knees crying yelling at him. Naruko has disappeared with the jewel. I have fail. He only came to protect the jewel but not me. I was in so much pain knowing the truth. The guy I love has only came for the Shikon jewel. I remember something from the nightmare I had. Back then I gave up on love. So I don't know about love anymore. I curl up as a ball and let all my pain out. Tears were flowing like a tsunami. My body was trembling. My hands is on my ears and I was holding my hair at the same time. My little brother told me to calm down. "BIG SISTER! SNAP OUT OF IT! HOW IS IT TRUE!? HOW CAN HE PROVED IT!? BIG SIS PLEASE STOP!!!" I ignore him and I yelled. "FUCK LOVE! ALL I GET IS PAIN! I HAD ENOUGH! I HATE LOVE!" My little brother started to cry and hug me. He was afraid that I'm not myself. "SOMEONE PLEASE HELP BIG SISTER! ANYONE PLEASE!" I need a have a grip on myself.

He's right...I don't know if it's true. "Your right. I need answers from Inuyasha..." But I couldn't stop crying. I pass out. My little brother panicked and yelled for help. A shodow appeared in front of him. "You came at last!!! PLEASE HELP BIG SISTER!" So he was so worry but then he picked both of us. He jump into the air to look our way back. This.... Scent..... Inuyasha....

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