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It was a cold night, my little brother was happy we were home. At last we are home.They have finally found us for four days. I was motionless in the couch. Inuyasha was wiping the blood of tears I have in my face. I mumbled in my dreams. "....Lier.... " Inuyasha thought about it. Lier? ...but who? Janet hugged my body and cry. Juan was standing there. Later on everyone is asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night. Inuyasha Kimono was on me so I got up and went outside. Inuyasha woke up and saw the door open. He looked at the couch and he knew it was me. He went after me. He saw me enter the shrine. Is she ready to go there... He followed me and open the door shrine. He looked at me. I was standing in front of the well. The well of the creature that took me to different world that change my life. But it ends here. "I want my life back..." Inuyasha puzzle. "What do you mean?" I gather up the courage to tell him. "Tell me Inuyasha...did you came to get the jewel... But not for me?"

Inuyasha was suprise about it. "So that Naruko told you." I heard it and I felt a bunch of needles of my heart. "...so it is true... " I walked to the door. Inuyasha was near the well and he is just standing there. I couldn't tell if it was true or not. If it is someone please kill me. "Lily it's true... Im sorry..." I had enough listening to him. I turn around with hot tears on my eyes. " I trusted you...yet you betrayed me to get the jewel." "Lily no I..." "I trusted you Inuyasha! But Naruko is right about you! You only care for the jewel not me! I don't want anymore pain from now in on! "

"So that's it? " "NO LILY I... " "INUYASHA GO BACK WHERE YOU CAME FROM AND NEVER COME BACK TO ME!!! NEVER EVER!!!" I pushed him down the well. I saw him disappeared. Lily.... Im sorry.... It was the last time I ever seen him. I put the spell on it. I placed the papers on the shed. It shall not be move. "Inuyasha.... You shall not see me." "Even though I love you but you hurt my heart." I looked at the shrine and burst out more hot tears. " Please no more pain for me. I had enough with it." I close the shed and locked it. I bury the key near the garden. I turn at the shed to look once again. I began to walk back inside . "The war is between you and me....Naruko." I went inside to sleep. I have school tomorrow. I need to make up a lot of work. At 7 a.m in the morning, I got up to get ready to go to school. "See you later mom!" "Edith? Where's Inuyasha?" I stop at the door and stand there. "Oh... He went back to his own world to help lady Kaeda for a very long." "So I guess that's it... Hes not coming back from helping her." "Yeah." I ran out the door to go to school.

My friends saw me so they throw me a party at school. "EDITH WE MISS YOU!!!" They squeeze me tight as they can. I can barely breathe. "ACK!" They realised me and chat with me. They were glad I was back. Everything was going well so far but then a question I could not answered it. "Edith?" "yes?" "Where's Inuyasha?" I looked at Jessenia but I lied. "Oh he told me that hes going back home to help lady Kaeda. So he won't come back again." They looked at me. Diana hugged me and pat my head. "Are you sad?" "Nope not all." I smiled so bright that I left to class. "Poor Edith she is sad. She just don't want to show it." As I was walking back to class. I began remember what I said to last night. "GO HOME INUYASHA AND NEVER RETURN BACK TO ME!" But he's gone now and I terribly miss him. "No more thinking about him! I have my life back." I went to class and did my work. Nobody asked about me going missing. It was an normal Day for me.

~Inuyasha world~

"GO HOME INUYASHA AND NEVER RETURN!!!" Ever since Lily pushed me down the well. I saw her face. Her face...was full with pain. Now she doesn't want to see me again. But I want to see her again. Its all my fault.... Wait... Its not... "ITS LADY KAEDA FAULT! THAT OLD HAG!" He ran all the way to see her. As he got there, he barged in. Lady Kaeda looked at him. "Inuyasha you are supposed to protect it." "IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A HER!" She look at him. "I understand how you feel Inuyasha but do you think she will ever come here?" "No but why!?!" She stood up and looked at the window. "Do you think saving something is easy? The Shikon jewel isn't easy to take care of. Lily isn't either. But which is more important? The jewel or Lily?" He growled at her and left. He went back the well and stared at it.

~Our world~

School was over and we went to the store to buy food. I looked at the ramen with a dog face on it. That ears reminds me of Inuyasha... No I cant not think about him. "Hmmm... I'll take the napkins." I grabbed it and look for more supplies. We were throwing a party for our family reunion once again. But then theirs a boy name Richard. He was a womanizer. He thinks I am the one foe him. But I rejected him. He saw me outside of the store. He smile and yelled. "EDITH! WAIT FOR MEEE!" AWWW CRAP! WHO INVENTED HIM TO ME! I ran away as fast as possible. I ran and took short cuts. He follows as well. "EDITH PLEASE COME BACK MY LOVE!" I turned and yelled back to him. "WHO SAID IM YOURS! IDIOT!"  I ran and I ran. He ran and then he lost me. I pant and I wheeze. As soon I was back to normal, I had walked home. I was happy I came home but then it kills me now.

He was standing outside my door talking to my mom. "HOW DID YOU FIND MY HOME!?!" "I saw your little brother walked home here so I came to see you... My Edith." "He was telling me that you want to go out with him?" I shook my head no. Who will ever date him. But I've been running away from him since half of a month. He doesn't take no as an answer. I sigh and felt like I am going to puke. I looked at him. "If you stop chasing me... I will go out with you." He smiled and yelled. "THO THE BEAUTIFUL LADY SHALL TAKE MY HAND! AND SHE DID! WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A CELEBRATION TONIGHT!" He hugged me and left to be in a suit. I went to my room to get in a dress. While I was getting ready I looked at the left. I saw Inuyasha kimono on my bed. I went over there and pick it up. He left it here.... I took a sniff. Inuyasha scent is on it... I dazed off until I snapped. "He's gone..." I left my room and got ready.

I looked at the time. It was time. My friends came and siblings friends came as well. Even the guy I hate. "Hey beautiful... You look sexy." "SHUT UP FAGOT!" He took me the couch and sat to each other. He looked at me. I didn't look at him. I hated what he did to us girls. My friends were talking to me. He put his arm around me I smacked it off. He put his hand on my lap. I growl at him and smack his forehead. He was a pervert and a cheater. The last straw was he tried to touch my parts. I smacked his face and yelled. "FUCK YOU! YOU TREATED GIRLS LIKE TRASH! NO WONDER BO ONE DATED YOU!" My friends were there to protect me. "Chill babe I know I can calm you down." He lean for a kiss but I grabbed a hard cover book and smack his lips. I made him bleed in the lips. "I NEVER WANTED TO DATE YOU! THE ONLY PERSON I RATHER DATE IS INUYASHA! I LOVE HIM NOT YOU! YOU LITTLE BASTARD!" My friends follow me to my room. They still don't know where's Inuyasha.

They looked at me. I looked out the window. I was thinking about him. I love Inuyasha but at the same time I don't wanna see him. What can I do? All I can do is not to see him.

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