Jealousy from friend and Family reunion

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We were walking together to the mall. Inuyasha kept on staring at something but what. I gave up to know and kept walking. I put a hat on him to cover his cute ears. The phone rang and my mother pick up the phone. "Oh your on your way... ok" We went inside to buy some things. Inuyasha try to grab it by "it" I meant my breasts. I didn't know if he was looking at me. Suddenly someone hugged me behind. "Eek!" Inuyasha looked at the perv and growl at him. "WHOA! Is that your boyfriend..." I snapped and yelled at the name out. "T-TAYLEE!?!?" "Hehe thats right, Edith." "OH MY GOSH! N-NO HE'S NOT MY B-B-B-BOYFRIEND!!!" My face was hot and red. Tylee looked at me and smile. "That's good." He dragged me away from Inuyasha. "BASTARD COME BACK WITH HER!" He looked at him. Face to Face. "Please, call me Ace or Tylee... Bitch" I heard the word came out of Ace. I felt anger when he said it to Inuyasha. But I really liked him... or loved him... "IDIOT! DON'T YOU DARE CALL HIM A BITCH! YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" He looked at me. I gasp and I felt ashamed. "I-im sorry Ace... It just came out."He looked at me and smile. "Aw Edith... its okay I still love you..." I puzzled at him. " I MEAN AS A FRIEND!" He said it in a nervous voice. I smile and turn at Inuyasha. "Lets go Inuyasha." I grabbed his arm and he put his arm around my arm. Like the couples will do.

Ace looked me and looked sad. She likes him a lot... NO NOT THIS TIME! He trip Inuyasha and he grabbed my arm. He dragged me somewhere far away from Inuyasha. "OW! WATCH OUT FOR MY INJURED SHOULDER!"  I looked behind me. Inuyasha face hits the floor. "I-INUYASHA! ARE YOU OKAY!" I yelled at him. I didn't want to leave him. Inuyasha looked at me and yelled at me. "LILY!" I couldn't hear him at all. The crowd was loud and moving around a lot. He disappeared in the crowd. I yelled at him over and over again. I was fill up with tears. I feel like Ace pulled me away from my crush. I pull my arm out and yelled at him with anger. " WHAT THE HELL YOU DO THAT FOR! I NEED TO GO BACK FOR HIM!" He looked at me and fill up with sadness. "So... he is your boyfriend.. " why did he keep saying it. Even though I wish he was. "No he is not." He looked happy and hugged me. "OOWW!!!!A-ACE YOUR HURTING ME!!!" I felt a lot of pain from my right shoulder. He didn't care if im hurt. He likes to hug me a lot. " TYLEEEEEE!!!!" He stop and looked at me. "OH SHIT! IM SORRY..." He looked at the other side. I was wondering why he is acting all weird.

He looked at me in the eyes. "Edith..." I interrupt him. "I need to look for Inuyasha. He is looking for me." "NO!" I turned around and stared at him. "A-Ace... I need..." " EDITH! I LOVE YOU!!!" I was in shock. Not knowing my own friend likes me the whole time. But I shook my head and smile. "Im sorry Ace but I love Inuyasha... only him." When he heard it, his heart shattered into a billion of pieces. He looked at me with his eyes. His eyes are fill up with tears. He smile and whip them off. "I-i understand." He left me at the game station. I looked around and i didn't see Inuyasha. I ran off to find him. "Damn! I cant find her scent. Its too many people moving around." Suddenly he pick up my scent. He ran all the way to find me. But my scent was on Ace. He saw him and got mad. "DAMN YOU, TYLEE!" He punch him across the cheek. "WHERE IS SHE!?!?" He looked up. "She is looking for you..."

He took off running leaving Tylee behind. Tylee ran after Inuyasha. He wanted revenge to steal me back. I was back where I started. I looked everywhere but I don't want to give up. I looked downstairs. Inuyasha came running to upstairs. "LILY! WHERE ARE YOU?" He looked at the game station. But he knew I have been there. My scent was on some people. They were bumping into me. "YOU IDIOT! STOP STEALING HER AWAY FROM ME!" He punch him across the cheek. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" He looked at him with anger. He could see sadness and anger together. "STOP TAKING HER AWAY FROM ME! YOU GOT THAT BITCH!" Inuyasha got up and grabbed him in the shirt. He lift him up. "Boy your stubborn... how long your gonna chase me?"

"Until you..." " Were you rejected by her." He put him down. Tylee glare at him and left. "Keh! Such a baby." Then he left to find me. I searched every place and then something caught my eye. A gift shop with cute things. I went in there. Maybe I can buy something for Inuyasha. He's cute with a smile. So I searched inside. Inuyasha kept looking for me until something caught his eye. The lovely roses shop. Hmmm.... before I find Lily... I wanted to give her something special from the bottom of my heart. So he went in. I looked each price and look at the gifts. At least I gave Inuyasha 50 bucks to buy something. I hope he knows how. It was midday that I look for special until something caught my eye. A heart locket and a small stuff dog. It will remains me of Inuyasha ears.

So I looked around and bought it. Inuyasha... I love you a lot.... "AH!!"I screamed. I felt two pairs of hands groped my boobs. My face was red hot full of embarrassment. I turn around to see the prevent who still groped my boobs. I found out the guy I was wanting to see the most. "INUYASHA!!!" I pull him into a big fluffy hug. But I make sure my arm wasn't close to him. "Hey Lily." "I found you." YES I GROPED THEM.... SHIT I HOPE NO ONE SAW US. He patted my head. I make a small giggle. It sounds like a kitten purring. Every people pass by and know what to say. "Man, she seems to enjoy being with him." We walked out of the mall. My mom told me that we have important visitors. I stop and Inuyasha looked at me."Whats wrong Lily?" "I have to give you something." I reach in the bag. I pulled out of a small box with a blue ribbon. Inuyasha looked at me and I could see him turn red. He open it and pull out the locket. He stared at it for a while. I looked down feeling nervous.

I feel his arm around my waist and pull me in. Eh? He hug me. "I love it Lily...I will treasure it." I smile. Then he pulled out something out of his bag. A stuff bear holding a heart. "I LOVE IT!" He gave it to me and I hugged it. I giggle of joy. Inuyasha grabbed my hand and hold it. I looked at him and I tried not to blush  " let's go home..." I looked at him and I nod. He grabbed my hand!  I wish it could last. So we went home. "Im home mom!" "Welcome back you two." My little brother came and jump on me. "SISTER AND INUYASHA ARE BACK!" Inuyasha caught him. He told him my arm wasn't heal yet for me to carry him. "Well Little sister. It appeared you forgot about us." "T-That voice... it cant be." My eyes fill up with tears. "What's wrong?!" Inuyasha looked me. "WELCOME BACK JUAN AND JANET!" I ran to them hugging them. It was my older brother and sister. "JANET! JUAN!" They hugged me. "Im glad we get to see you little sister...Dede" Ever since I was born my big brother can't say my name right so he called me Dede.

"Wow... you promised you won't cry." Janet had said it in a smile smile. I snap and looked at Inuyasha. I came towards to him. "Guys... I want you to meet Inuyasha." "Oy!" They looked at him." His ears..." "Where did you come from?" " He came at the other side of the world." My big brother notice my arm. "DEDE WHAT HAPPEN TO YOUR SHOULDER!?!" "This Naruko was chasing me. But Inuyasha saved me." "Why!" I told them the whole story. "So this Kagome died from that Naruko from it webs. You are the reincarnation of Kagome. You were born to protect the shikon jewel. Does that mean...?" I looked at him and gave him my answer. "Yes... I am the new priestess." They were in shock so they decided to sleep. Inuyasha didn't want to sleep no where but I let him sleep in my room on the floor. I sang a lullaby to everyone. They all fell asleep including myself. Tomorrow is back to school and Inuyasha is home alone.

Author notes: please let me know if I spell something wrong so I can go back and change it. Vote or comment. Thank you =3 stay cute y'all CX

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