Missing but found

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When my mom and my sister were rushing home. Police officers were asking questions about me. Cassandra was scared. She had tears in her eyes. "WHERE'S MY LITTLE SISTER! WHERE IS SHE!" "Sorry ma'am but we found some blood on the glass. It just a speck of it. Not much. She is not murder. But she could have run away from home or kidnapped." My mom was sobbing so loud. A couple of ambulance came to calm her down. My sister ran around the house calling out my name. "LITTLE SISTER!!! DEDE! LILY! EDITH!!!!" "That's all you know ma'am?" "Ummm...oh I heard a crash from a window when I open the door."

Inuyasha was with my brothers buying things at the mall. They end up meeting my friends. "Oh Taylor and Ace is dating at last." Inuyasha looked at Juan. "Dating?" My little brother was confused. My brother and my friends looked at him at shock. "YOU DONT KNOW WHAT'S DATING IS?!?" Inuyasha nodded his head no. Diana grabbed Inuyasha arm. " We shall teach you about dating chosen one." Inuyasha had a bad feeling about it. " Don't you do stupid things to me." While they were talking for awhile now. Juan has received a call from our mom.  He can hear my mom sobbing.

" Mom calm down please down. What's going on?" "ITS LILY! SHE IS GONE MISSING!" "WHAT! SHE IS GONE MISSING! IM ON MY WAY!" "Is there something wrong Juan?" Jessenia came forward. "No it's Edith...she is missing." Once heard is they came racing to our home including Inuyasha. He had my little brother on his back. DAMN I SHOULDN'T STAY WITH HER! PLEASE BE HOME ALREADY! My little brother called out my name. "SISTER LILY!!!" They came to my home."LILY!!!!!!!!!! " They slammed the door. They saw my mom in the couch and my sister holding a box of tissues. My mom nod her head. "MY CHILD LILY! PLEASE COME BACK! " Everyone was sobbing uncontrollably. Until they heard a voicemail in my phone. "I thought you will live with me... But none of y'all did. I will find you Lily. I will put your mom in danger. Including your family. Right?... Lily... I will never love you back. Just your siblings...."

beep beep beep...

The voicemail has stop. Everyone looked at each other. They were confused. "Huh? Edith... She must be hurt so bad and she is so much pain." Taylor looked at Ace. "Ace... " "How can she didn't tell us about him. We could have help..." "We must not talk about it. We need to find her tomorrow morning." "NO! I WILL LOOK FOR HER NOW! IM GOING TO FIND HER SCENT!" Inuyasha was about to leave but Jessenia caught him. "Don't worry let's look tomorrow. " Inuyasha growl and left to my room. Inuyasha I know how you feel but my little sister was in so much pain... And you want to help her. But do you love her? How can she trust you now with her being so crushed inside. Can you heal her?  Juan was in deep thoughts and fell asleep but then later on everyone fell asleep. My little was crying in the middle if the night. He wanted me to be home. So Janet calm him down to go back to sleep.  It took her long enough to put him back to sleep again. It wasn't hard for me to sing him back to sleep.


"OYY! WAKE UP LETS GO FIND HER!" Everyone is awake now and ate something. "Alright let's roll. " Everyone spilt up. Diana and Jessenia are going to check around my favorite places.  Tylee and Taylor are checking at the park and the school. My mom and Giovanni went to asked the neighbors. Inuyasha and Juan went to some of my hide out. "EDITH COME BACK! WE ARE WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU! " Taylor looked around and saw a clue. "Ace look!" "Its a piece of paper. " It was the grocery list from yesterday. They decided to asked go to them so they can ask questions about me. Inuyasha was climbing trees and calling out my name. Juan was searching everywhere and saying to come back home. There were no sign of me. Suddenly snow has fallen from the sky."Oh snap. A snow storm is coming in... We must hurry!" Inuyasha nod his head. Please be here! " Little sister! Please come back home already!" "LILY!!!!"

Mom... Giovanni... Inuyasha... Everyone I'm sorry... For being weak and pain... Please do not find me... All I can do is everyone sad.... I was under the tree crying my pain out. I hate being weak. But it heals my soul but sometimes I need someone to cry on. There is a song I listen. It kinda match me. I look up and saw snow falling down. Like a falling stars from the beautiful moonlight. I look to left to right. It was getting a little bit of cold. I took a breathe and tried not to cry. I brought  bow and arrows to keep Naruko away from the jewel. I had blankets and snacks with me. I closed my eyes and sing the song.
"I'm so tired being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave

I wish you would just leave
Cause your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much tome that time
Cannot erase...

When you cry, i'de wipe away all of your tears...."

Inuyasha ears started to twich. He turn around and points south. "SHE'S OVER THERE! I RECOGNIZE THAT VOICE ANYWHERE!!!" "DEDE! HANG IM THERE!" They ran like the speed of light. She is singing but its sounds sad. No I will not allow that. Lily I'm here to help you. Lady Kaeda sent me here to protect and be with you! I close my eyes and image Inuyasha and the rest. "LILY!" "DEDE!" I heard that voice anywhere. I got up and yelled. "INUYASHA! JUAN!" Inuyasha came down slowly from the air. He looked at me. "Inuyasha...  Forgive me...  I'm sorry... " He pull me in into his arms. "please never ever do it again. I miss you so bad." "Inuyasha I'm so sorry..." My brother smile. He was glad I was safe. We returned home to my beloved family and friends.

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