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I woke up and looked at Inuyasha. It's been a couple of months that me and Inuyasha were going out. He was hugging my waist while he was asleep. I took his arms off slowly away from me. I quickly ran into the shower before he attacked me with his hugs. But then I heard a knock on my door. "yes???" "....Lily I need to tell you something..." "What is it Inuyasha?" He blushed and took a deep breath. "Every night I groped your breast..." *nosebleeds* "Y-YOU PERVERT! MY LOVE!" I slam the door and gave him a glare.

But his face are really red. I puzzled until I realized something. My legs are cold...very cold. I looked down and scream. "EEIE!!! LOVE AT LEAST DONT STARE!!!" I wasn't wearing my pants. I took them off when I was getting ready for a shower. My panties has show. I ran in the bathroom to take a shower. Inuyasha was standing there. Inuyasha was walking out of my room. Shippo came and ate breakfast. Miroku tried not to seek in my room to see me naked. Sango was ready to hit him. Kohaku was watching TV for the first time ever. My mom was busy. Giovanni and Juan are playing outside. Janet is studying for her college. I came out of the shower. I looked at the calendar.

It was my brother, Juan, birthday. I looked the money I have saved up. I have $500 for him to buy whatever he wants. I went downstairs to setup the party for him. Everyone help to set it up while my little brother distract Juan.

Naruko can see us in a magic mirror. He smile and chuckle. "Hehe I shall play with Lily mind a bit." He picked up a leaf and whistles it. He played a song, a song that can control me.

I was busy with my present for Juan. Until my head started to hurt. I put a hand on my forehead. "Ugh...." N-not now.... Suddenly it stop. I don't know what happen but I'm was working on the balloons. Later on, my friends came with gifts. I smile and thought it's gonna be the best birthday party. But then my head started to hurt again. Enough.... Inuyasha came in and kiss me. "Everyone hide! He's coming!" So we all hide somewhere. Juan came in and we suprise him. "All this for me?" I came out with pikachu hat. "Yup." He hugged us all. I wonder how the food is gonna taste. "I'll get the drinks!" Cassandra made games for us. While I was getting the drinks, the sounds came again. "Ugh... Enough..." I ignored it and walked on the living room. I gave drinks to everyone but Jessenia. She came in late. So I went back to the kitchen to get another drink. I came back and walks towards her.

Naruko made the song louder now. My headache was even worse. So I dropped the drink. CRASH!!! I fell down as well. "LILY!" Inuyasha grabbed me. My eyes were closed and unable to move. Miroku yelled out my name. Including everyone. But I wasn't able respond. I laid there motionless. I couldn't open my eyes. Inuyasha was ready to look for a doctor until my voice was talking. " PATHETIC HUMANS AND HALF DEMON!.... EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE MUST DIE!" My body has flash and toss everyone off of me. Giovanni looked at me. "big sister...?" I slap my little brother. I tried to stop myself but I couldn't.

Stop it!.... What's this?! I...I... I couldn't move my body. I have no control of it! Diana looked at me. My eyes were all red. My skin was pale. My face has no reactions. My nails has became claws. I was floating like a ghost. I quickly dashed to Diana and scratch her in her arms. "GYA!" Her shoulder were all bloody. NO STOP IT! "Lily... " I turn to Kohaku. I came closer to him. I lift up my claws at him and ready to hurt him. Sango tried to whack me with her boomerang but I dodge. I looked at Sango and chuckle. "WHAT'S SO FUNNY LILY OR SHOULD I SAY NARUKO!!!"

"HAHAHA YOU SANGO.... ARE YOU AFRAID TO LOSE KOHAKU?" "SHUT UP NARUKO! GET AWAY FROM HER!" "OHOHOHO! SUCH PATHETIC GIRL! DO YOU EVEN CARE FOR THIS GIRL LITTLE BROTHER?" I knocked Giovanni unconscious and pulled him into my arms. BAKA! BAKA! BAKAAAA! ENOUGH! LEAVE HIM OUT OF THIS! I laughed with evil joy. "Do you wish to save him. Come to the downtown Atlanta city. To save her and her little brother." I had disappeared with my little brother. My mom tried to get me but she missed. My mom looked at us and yell.


~Downtown Atlanta city~

I appear in the highest building and dump my little brother. Naruko was laughing at me and lift up my chin. "Hehehehe good work Lily... Your award should be given up with your spiritual powers." He held out the Shikon jewel and lots of pure light came out of me into the jewel. He had became more powerful than ever. People were getting eaten or attack in the cities by the demons. I looked down with the cold looks in my eyes. Everything was destroyed. No... It's all my fault... I am responsible for this.... I was the one deciding to be here in the first place. My face didn't change any emotions but my eyes let tears out. I cant do anything.

My inside voices in my mind and tears is all I can do. I looked at my little brother. He was in the center motionless with bruises on his face. Naruko was enjoying the destruction view. Damn you... Hm? There was a glow in his chest. The Shikon jewel is in his heart. Good I still have enough spiritual powers to see the jewel. Until I saw a yellow truck came in front of the building. I was trying not to tell Naruko but I was forced to. My hand were shaking, I didn't want to do this. I pointed at the bottom. He grin at me. "Oh Look at this. Your people that you protect are here. But you have betrayed them by telling me where are they."

He realised more demons to kill them. All I came do is watch them fight or get killed.

Someone please... SAVE ME!!!

Yo I wanted thank y'all for reading my book. Make sure I don't spell something wrong. Please vote or comments. ٩(๑❛▽❛๑)۶

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