The Search

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Damn you Naruko... you will not live long enough. I will kill you... you will pay for this. I was leaning against the tree motionless. Its was in the afternoon in the midday. No one has found me yet. Do they bother to look for me.... do they know im gone. Inuyasha was rushing to look for me. "LILY!!!!!!!" Idiot running away from me without telling me. I won't allow  it again... I won't lose her this time... Inuyasha stop and gasp. "DAMN! I SMELL BLOOD!" The thing was my blood was on Naruko tentacles. It's a two way direction. IDIOT SHE HAS NO IDEA WHO IS WORRY ABOUT HER NOW. WHICH WAY IS IT?!?  Inuyasha looked at both sides and ran the other direction.

  " HANG IN THERE LILY!!! DON'T YOU DIE ON ME!!!" ...Inuyasha... why can't I move... im I hurt that badly... please let me find him.... I WANT TO SEE HIM!!!  Inuyasha follow the scent of my blood and didn't bother to look back. Once he got there his fear grew even worse including his anger. "WHERE THE HELL IS SHE!?! I SENSE HER BLOOD HERE!!!" "Maybe you didn't notice my scent as well. Its all because of the girl blood all over me."

Inuyasha glare at him and growl at him. "WHAT THE HELL YOU DO TO HER!" "Oh... what was her name... Lily or Edith... who cares its the same girl. I had a little fun with her but it appears that she is bleeding alot." Inuyasha growl was even louder than before. "Whats the look on your face Inuyasha. She is the reincarnation of Kagome. And Kagome is the reincarnation of Kikyo." "SHUT UP, DAMN IT! LILY IS LILY. SHE IS DIFFERENT FROM KAGOME AND KIKYO! EVERYONE HAS DIFFERENT PERSONALITY!" "TELL ME NARUKO... WHERE IS SHE!!!" "Hehehe you had to found her yourself..." Inuyasha took out his tessaiga ready to fight. Naruko looked at him and grin. "Hehehe... Inuyasha is she really that important to you. Are you willing to save her?" " SHUT UP NARUKO! I'LL SAVE HER BECAUSE MY HEART AND SOUL TOLD ME SO!!!" "Let the battle begin..." "WIND SCAR!!!" The attack was heading towards to Naruko but sadly he move out the way. Every move that he make Naruko will always dogged it." Now it's my turn." Naruko let one of his tentacle went through Inuyasha body. "GYAAA!"

I-I-INUYASHA!!! I open my eyes and I try to get up. I collapsed to the ground. Then I heard something that got me worry to death. I heard Inuyasha and he was in pain. "INUYASHA! INUYASHAA!" I use my bow to help me up. "INUYASHA!" I was determined to see him. I didn't care about my blood loss and my injured leg. I dragged myself to see Inuyasha. I followed my way back but this time I took a short cut. DAMN YOU NARUKO! DON'T YOU DARE LAY A HAND ON HIM! "NARUKO! YOU MONSTER! DON'T YOU DARE LAY A HAND ON HIM! YOU HEAR ME! I WILL FIND YOU AND I WILL KILL YOU!!!" I had scream at the top of my lungs. But then I started to cry so hard every time I blink more tears came out. I slip on the edge of the cliff and I rolled all the way down. " UWHAAAA!!!" Inuyasha eyes wide open and yelled. "LILY!!!!"

"Hehehe she is already dead... If you don't believe me. Pick up her scent." Inuyasha pick up her scent and his grow wide with fear. "LIIIIIILYYYY!!!" He cut one of his tentacles and pull it out of his body. "G-Gyaa!" He said it in pain. "What's wrong Inuyasha... you seem that you grew into fear." "WIND SCAR!!!" He chuckle and laugh out loud. He move out the way and he regenerate his arms. He looked at him and grin. "No one can save you now Inuyasha... you have been wounded by me. TIME TO DIE..." He aim at his tentacle at Inuyasha.

Suddenly a girl came out of the forest. She had cover Inuyasha body with her body. She hug him like a blanket. Inuyasha notice the scent of blood on her. But he looked at the left and saw the bow and arrows. He knew who was the girl... the bloody priestess. Before he could say something, a terrible sound came to her. "UWAAAAAH!!!!!" Inuyasha had never wish to hear that tragic pain from her. He saw a lot of blood pour out like the river in a stream. The bloody priestess is Lily. A.K.A Edith.

I looked up and smile at him. I-Inuyasha, he was looking for me. "Hehe... the wrench has saved you from me cutting your head off. Are you happy to see her again. She will do anything for you because she..." I shoot my arrow at him. I didn't want Inuyasha to know. Not now. What matter the most is his personality. So far I only saw half of him. "S-SHUT U-UP..." I said it in great major pain. "H-have you l-learn n-nothing." Naruko pull his tentacle away from my body. "UGH!" I was about to collapse until Inuyasha grade my waist. "LILY DON'T YOU DIE, IDIOT." He looked at my body to make sure he didn't got my heart.

He looked at my shoulder. On the right of my shoulder it was bleeding alot. I put my hand on his cheek. "Your save... im so glad." "IDIOT WHY DID YOU DO IT!" His eyes is filling up with tears. "I will save my friends and family no matter what. Even though it cost my life." "BWAHAHAHAHA! UNTIL NEXT TIME INUYASHA! YOU SHOULD WORRY ABOUT EAT IT BY NOW!" Even demons can not say my name right... "OR WAS IT LILY! WHO CARES ITS THE SAME GIRL!" Naruko disappear in midair with the cloud of miasma. Inuyasha felt me shivering of cold. I was losing blood fast. I didn't care if I was losing blood or injured. I just wanted to be there for him and to see him. Falling in love wasn't easy. Once your in it your mind is focus to that person only. "DAMN I HAVE TO HEAL YOU!" He had rush me home for help. He looked for me and I found him. We found each other hurt and wounded.

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