Being Followed

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The sun was going down and the night fall in. My friends went home. I can tell by their faces that they were worry about me. They don't want the demon to kidnapped me again. My little brother was crying. He came to my room and told me he had a nightmare about me and the demon. "Sister Lily... im scared about the demon gonna kidnapped you again and then you never back." He was holding his favorite toy. In his face, I could see that he was crying a lot. I made room for him. He still feels scared and squeeze his toy. I looked at him and smile. I started to sing a lullaby to calm him. It was my favorite lullaby and now its became his. His eyes were started to close slowing. A smoothing melody was beautiful to every little siblings. He finally fell asleep but I fallen asleep as well.

It was morning, I was still asleep. My mother let me stay home from school because the long day I had yesterday. My mom took my little brother to school. It was hard for her to let me be alone. I heard a window open slowly so I tossed and turn. I felt a hand on my forehead and the hand was brushing my hair slowly. It patted my head a couple of times but I thought it was my mom. I awoken slowly to see if I was right. I looked up and looked around my room. No one was here. My window was open until I noticed there were footprints outside of my roof. Eh? Did someone open my window? Who was playing with my hair?

I got in the bathtub with warm water. I was curious about who played with my hair. The demon named Naruko has Kagome in the spider webs. It had weaken her and she died by him. I heard a noise from outside of the my window. After I was done, I put my uniform on and look outside of the window. "What the? I sworn I heard something."  I brushed my long hair and left to hang out with my friends. But something caught my eyes. "COOL! BOW AND ARROWS!" I ran to them and test them out. I aim the arrow to the sky and I realise it. The arrow has a pure pink light to the air.

According to lady Kaeda, if a priestess shoots her arrows her spiritual power will be the purification light.... like a sacred arrow. Somehow I was happy, I always wanted a bow and arrows of my own." But wait...who gave them to me?" I put them in my room and ran to meet my friends. They didn't went to school either about what happen to me. "EDITH! LETS GO!" They yelled at me. I came and I hugged them. "Sorry I was late. I had to be questioning about something." "DID THE DEMON CAME?" They were started to worry again. "No... someone brushed my hair, I heard something outside and someone left bow and arrows for me. Someone open my window." They wonder about it until Jessenia replied. "Do you might think the guy who saved you is looking for you?" I blushed a lot and smile a bit. Omg! Omg! Is he the one spying on me?!? I blushed even more but this time there were no smile in my face. DID HE SAW ME NAKED?!?

But... he is looking for me. I hoped he is cute or hot. "IT'S LIKE ROMEO AND JULIET!!!" Taylor yelled at me with joy. "WE NEED TO GO SHOPPING NOW!" I blushed even more like a red tomato. Please be cute or hot. They dragged me to mall. They dragged me into every single clothes. The long dress was light blue with a pink belt. But I wonder who was looking for me. Could it be the guy who saved me or this Inuyasha that lady Kaeda said. I was wondering a lot about it and I blushed alot. My heart started to pound. It's like it wanted to burst out of my chest.

While I was wondering, I lost my friends in the crowd. "WHAT!? GUYS WHERE ARE YOU!?" I didn't like it when im lost. I hate being alone. I REALLY DO. I looked around asking for help." Someone please help me. Im lost and I do not kno where is my friends." Some guy accidentally bump into me like a jerk. "EEK!" I fallen off the edge of the wall. As I fell of the wall, I closed my eyes shut. DAMN IT IMA BREAK MY BONES! Until someone catch me, he had a grip on me. I open my eyes but he quickly left. "W-WAIT!!!" I yelled and pleaded him to stay. I determine to see it was him. But I know someone was following me. I raced to see him but the only thing on my mind is I wanna see him. "Where's Edith?" Diana asked. "I thought she was with you?" Taylor looked like she was going to insane mode. Jessenia went up the stairs and yelled to the top of her lungs. "EDITH! WHERE ARE YOU!?!"

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