Pervert Inuyasha

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The sun fell asleep and the night time is awake. I was still motionless. I had closed my eyes when Inuyasha rushed me home. I was in the living room with my mom,Giovanni, and Inuyasha. My mom was terrified when she saw me. My skin was pale and my body was motionless. My little brother was crying so hard. He ran to Inuyasha and saying mean things to him. " you brought her into this mess, stupid..." But he collapsed as well. My little brother was scared and he tries to pick him up. My mom put alcohol on him and he felt alot of pain. She puts some on me but I didn't scream in pain. All they can do is wait for me to awake.

It was midnight, everyone fell asleep except my little brother. Inuyasha was tired from the battle. But mostly looking for me. He slept on the other side of the couch. My mother fell asleep on the chair. My little brother was in front of me. He was waiting for me to awake. He had my stuffed toy. It was my favorite thing of all. Yoshi. I love yoshi since I was a baby. And he loves it too. He know how precious it is to me. " Lily.... awake now..." Kagome? What happen to me? " You blacked out from losing blood." Oh dear... Inuyasha was so worried about me. "You should open your eyes. Your little brother is waiting for you." See you... Kagome... I slowly open my eyes and looked at the left. Little brother was happy and hugged me. "WHA! LILY! YOUR OK..." "Shhh... they are asleep." Giovanni climb on my lap and lay next to me. He make sure if my shoulder was in any pressure. We smile at each other with joy. "Sister Lily... will you sing me a lullaby?" I looked at him and smile. "Ok." I make sure if he was comfy in the couch. I started to sing it.

I never knew why my little brother didn't ask my mom to sing him. Until he told me the truth. He told me that he had liked me singing. The melody was beautiful and my little brother looked sleepy already. Inuyasha heard the beautiful melody through his cute little dog ears. He took a peek and smile. He was very happy to see me okay. "Ugh..." I stop the singing and looked at him. INUYASHA!? HAD HE HEARD ME SINGING! My little brother was fast asleep. I rushed to looked at Inuyasha. Inuyasha was lying in the floor and was eyes were closed. I saw sweat on his face. Inuyasha is in pain. I need to help. I grabbed a napkin and lean on my knees. I slowly rub the napkin on his sweat. He slowly open his eyes and looked into my eyes. "I-im sorry... did I awake you?" He smile at me. "No... you didn't awake me..." I smile and before I could say something. He had said something that made me blush. "L....Lily if it weren't any trouble for you... Can I lay on your lap?" He looked at me with those calm golden eyes.

I smiled and my heart was beating fast. "Y-yes you may." I held him up and put him on my lap. I could see him blushing a little and he can see mine. I turn away from him. My little brother was crying in his sleep. He had a nightmare of me with that Naruko. Inuyasha was snuggle my laps trying to be comfortable. I looked at my little brother once more. He was crying alot. NO GIOVANNI, IM FINE, SEE IM FINE. I took a deep breath and I started to sing the lullaby. A couple of minutes pass and Giovanni fell asleep in peace. I look at the time. 12:35 a.m.... "Your voice is beautiful... And your scent smells nice." I looked at him and Blush. He looked at me, I can see that he was blushing as well. "I-Inuyasha?" I had said it in a nervous voice. "...Lily... lets hang out when you feel better." He slowly closed his eyes and fall asleep. I looked at him and rub his hair. Later on I fall asleep as well.

My mom awoke and grabbed the phone. She dialed the numbers. She called two person and say something to them."Hey, can you come over?" They said their answer. "Okay see you home you guys." She hung up the phone and went back to sleep. I hear the birds are chirping its must morning. I turn and felt like something around me. I open my eyes and my heart was pounding. Inuyasha has his arms around me. His face was closed to mine. He was still sleeping. I got up to take a shower. I went to my room to get my clothes. I turn on the water to warm and I took my clothes off. I grab my sponge and soap.

While I was in the shower, Inuyasha woke up and noticed im gone. "What! where's Lily?" He got up and looked for me. He didn't bother to ask my mom. He picked up my scent and follow it. He looked in my room and saw another door. He heard me singing a song so he put his head against the door. He listens to my voice. " I still hear your voice when you sleep next to me. I feel your touch in my dreams. Forgive me my weakness but I don't know why. Without you its hard to survive...."  she sang so beautiful. Its like music in my ears. "Cause every time we touch I get this feeling. Every time we kiss I swear I can fly..." Inuyasha wanted to see me, so he took a peek in the door.

His heart beats like crazy. His eyes are wide open like it was about to pop out. His face turn really red like the color of his kimono. His claws grabbed the wall. His ears started to move alot than before. He has saw me naked. He stared at my body. He tries to looked away but he can't. His mind say look away but his heart say to enjoy the view. He was paying attention to my breasts. I turn off the water. I put on my towel and walk forward. Inuyasha left quickly as possible. I came out of the shower and put on my clothes. "Omg this what I needed! A nice warm shower!" I noticed a scratch marks on the wall. I thought Giovanni was horse playing again. So I put my clothes on and left my room.

I grabbed my breakfast and looked at Inuyasha. Inuyasha was staring at something. I looked everywhere. "Inuyasha what are you looking at?" He turn red and looked away. "KEH! Nothing..." He looked at my boobs and its so hard for boys not to look away. "Inuyasha are you okay? Do you have a fever?" He looked at my eyes. " umm.... err...nothing....are you done... Lets go hang out now." I looked at him and puzzle. What is he looking at? " okay im done, Lets go." He grabbed my waist and rushed me out the door. I turn pink mixed with red. He can't stop thinking about my breasts. "SEE YOU MOM AND GIOVANNI!" " Inuyasha be careful with her."  " I will..." If I can control my hands... So then we left to hang out. "Sister Lily please be fine." "I hope so to..."

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